2019-03-12 09:00:31 -04:00

864 B

name about
👩🏻‍💻 User Story Create user story, assigned to an Epic

Owner: Product Manager

  • Description of User Story (Added by PM)

As a user, I want … so I can do … As a product owner, I want… so I can do ...

Dependencies (Added by PM and Eng)

  • List dependencies on other issues/teams etc.

Next Steps

  • Immediate task: Convert user story into an Epic, and link it back to the Meta (PM)
  • Immediate task: Estimate/size user story with points (during backlog grooming)
  • User stories need to be assigned to a milestone, e.g backlog, or move into sprint (PM)
  • Engineers need to breakdown the user story, size all the individual tasks, and link the tasks to this user story (Done by Eng on Sprint Planning day)

Acceptance Criteria (Added by PM)

I can do … (e.g. add a bookmark) I can do … (e.g. track usage)