2019-06-11 10:55:54 -07:00

6.1 KiB



key type description data deview extras expires
app_opened event A user opened the app link
sourceThe method used to open Fenix. Possible values are: `app_icon`, `custom_tab` or `link`
search_bar_tapped event A user tapped the search bar link
sourceThe view the user was on when they initiated the search (For example: `Home` or `Browser`)
entered_url event A user entered a url link
autocompleteA boolean that tells us whether the URL was autofilled by an Autocomplete suggestion
performed_search event A user performed a search link

A string that tells us how the user performed the search. Possible values are:

  • default.action
  • default.suggestion
  • shortcut.action
  • shortcut.suggestion
browser_menu_action event A browser menu item was tapped link
itemA string containing the name of the item the user tapped. These items include: Settings, Library, Help, Desktop Site toggle on/off, Find in Page, New Tab, Private Tab, Share, Report Site Issue, Back/Forward button, Reload Button
ss_menu_opened event A user opened the search shortcut menu in the search view by pressing the shortcuts button link 2020-03-01
ss_menu_closed event A user closed the search shortcut menu in the search view by pressing the shortcuts button link 2020-03-01
ss_selected event A user selected a search shortcut engine to use link
engineThe name of the built-in search engine the user selected as a string
total_uri_count counter A counter of URIs visited by the user in the current session, including page reloads. This does not include background page requests and URIs from embedded pages or private browsing. link 2020-03-01
preference_toggled event A user toggled a preference switch in settings link
preference_keyThe preference key for the switch preference the user toggled. We currently track: leakcanary, make_default_browser, show_search_suggestions, show_visited_sites_bookmarks, remote_debugging, telemetry, tracking_protection
enabledWhether or not the preference is now enabled


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event The crash reporter was displayed link 2020-03-01
closed event The crash reporter was closed link
crash_submittedA boolean that tells us whether or not the user submitted a crash report
