Stefan Arentz 6a3adb5aeb
Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (#20457)
* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (Automation/TC)

* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (GitHub Workflows)

* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (GitHub Workflows)

* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (GitHub Issue Templates)

* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (Jenkins)

* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (README & Documentation)

* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (Jenkins)

* Fixes #11427 - Rename master branch to main (Random)
2021-07-28 08:20:14 -04:00

6.6 KiB


Firefox for Android roughly follows the Firefox Gecko release schedule. This means we cut a beta at the end of every two sprints, with a full cycle (~4 weeks) of baking on Beta before going to release. Uplifts must be approved by Release Owner (st3fan).

The Firefox for Android release schedule contains more details related to specific Mobile handoffs.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(week 1) (Y.2 sprint ended) Sprint X.1 starts
(week 2)
(week 3) Cut X.1-beta 12PST X.1-beta QA / Sprint X.2 starts
(week 4)
(week 5) Uplift L10N to X.1-beta Sprint Z.1 starts
(week 6) Build X.1-RC with GV Prod for QA
(week 7) Release X.1 - 5% Release X.1 20% / Cut Z.1-beta Release X.1 100%


  • JIRA access
  • Bugzilla account
  • Sentry access

Release Checklist

There are two releases this covers: the current sprint that is going out to Beta, and the previous Beta that is going to Production.

Start of Sprint X.1 [Thursday, 1st week of sprint]

Sprint X.1 End [Wednesday, 2nd week] Cutting a Beta

  • Make a new Beta
    • Create a branch off of main (DO NOT PUSH YET) for the current milestone of format releases_v85.0.0. After that, anything landing in main will be part of the next release.

      • ⚠️ Please do not use / in branch names anymore: Taskcluster silently ignores them and doesn't output tasks at the right index.
    • Bump version.txt to match the new version number

    • Grant mozilla-release-automation-bot write access to this branch.

    • On the new Beta branch, pin the AC version to the stable version (example) with commit message "Issue #<this releng issue>: Pin to stable AC <version> for release v85"

      • Update the title to include this AC version "Releng for v[release] with AC [version]"
    • Note: You will need code review to make changes to the release branch after this point, because it is a protected branch.

      • Push the branch.
    • Tell Release Management the first beta is ready to be shipped. They'll use https://shipit.mozilla-releng.net/new to kick off a new release. This replaces the process that involved GitHub releases. Now Github releases are automatically created by mozilla-release-automation-bot

    • Send an email to QA at mozilla-mobile-qa@softvision.com with a link to the Taskcluster build (subdirectory of the Fenix CI)

Bugfix uplifts / Beta Product Integrity (Beta Release until PI green signoff)

  • If bugs are considered release blocker then find someone to fix them on main and the milestone branch (cherry-pick / uplift)
  • If needed, ship a new beta version (e.g. v1.0-beta.2) and follow the submission checklist again.
  • Once there is GREEN QA signoff, file a release management bugzilla for rollout
    • Check Sentry each day for issues on Firefox Beta and if nothing concerning, bump release in the bugzilla (5%, 20%, 100%)

Uplifting L10N strings to Beta [Wednesday, 2 weeks after sprint end]

  • Find the issue (example) filed by L10N / delphine saying string are ready for uplift (it takes 2 weeks for localizers to prepare localization).
  • If there are new locales that are ready to be added to Release, add them to l10n-release.toml
  • Run the L10N uplift script against the releases/vX.1 branch (releases/v85.0.0). There will likely be conflicts, but if you are confused, they should match the strings in main/Nightly
  • Once all conflicts are resolved, tag a new Beta to be released.
  • Notify delphine in the L10N issue that the strings have been uplifted, and string quarantine can be lifted

Production Release Candidate [Tuesday, 3 weeks after X.1 Beta was cut]

  • In android-components: Create a dot release with the GeckoView Production release candidate.
  • Open a PR against the release branch (releases/v85.0.0) with the AC version bump "Pin to stable AC <version> for release v85`. You will need code review.
  • Modify version.txt to now follow the pattern: vX.X.X-rc.1 (e.g.: v85.0.0-rc.1)
  • Tell Release Management you would like to ship a new release.
  • Send an email to QA at mozilla-mobile-qa@softvision.com with a link to the Taskcluster build (subdirectory of the Fenix CI)

Production Release [Release day, from release calendar]

  • Modify version.txt to now follow the pattern: vX.1.X (e.g.: v85.1.0)

  • File Bugzilla ticket for release management

  • Check Sentry for new crashes. File issues and triage.

  • Each day, bump the release rollout if nothing concerning (5%, 20%, 100%)