2022-03-01 10:49:15 +08:00

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RTL9601C1 Emulator

This script allow you to modify and reverse engineering RTL9601C1 based firmware.


You need these program installed:

  • tar (extract tar package)
  • squashfs-tools (extract/repack rootfs)
  • qemu-user-static (run MIPS VM)

Most Ubuntu based distro have tar and squashfs-tools installed!


  • Download qemu-test.sh
  • Make executable chmod +x qemu-test.sh


Pretty simple to do, script do everything, you simply play with it

.\qemu-test.sh firmware_file.tar


After you run, Terminal Emulator will land busybox just like telnet:

Installing: chroot QEMU MIPS
RTL9601C1 Emulator is Running!

BusyBox v1.12.4 (2020-10-26 08:35:57 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.


During this screen, you can start modify the firmware, look into "firmware_file" folder.

V2801F 2.5GbE

There is way to make V2801F run 2.5GbE since RTL9601C1 SoC are supported, by copying /etc/runlansds.sh from TWCGPON657 to V2801F. Probably also need to copy /bin/sfpapp

TWCGPON657 B15 /etc/runlansds.sh


lan_sds_mode=`flash get LAN_SDS_MODE | sed 's/LAN_SDS_MODE=//g'`
echo $lan_sds_mode > proc/lan_sds/lan_sds_cfg
echo 1 > proc/lan_sds/sfp_app
sfpapp &