2024-05-29 16:49:49 +00:00

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Alternate way to get root access in JF ONT for newer firmwares with router specific encryption keys

Disclaimer: - This is Only for educational purposes, No one is responsible for any type of damage. Any wrong step might brick your router. So be aware.

  1. First of all, follow this guide to get the file at /flash/secure/key.txt which is the encryption key of your backup config.

  2. Go to your router admin page and download a backup of your router settings configuration from Administrator > Maintenance.

  3. Decrypt the config (.enc file) using the command openssl aes-128-cbc -d -pass file:key.txt -in input.enc -out output.txt (Change input.enc and output.txt respectively to your requirements).

  4. Open the decrypted config file.

  5. Change the first line of the decrypted config file like this:

    config.userdb = {} os.execute("/usr/sbin/telnetd"); os.execute("/pfrm2.0/bin/iptables -I fwInBypass -p tcp --dport 23 -m ifgroup --ifgroup-in 0x1/0x1 -j ACCEPT"); os.execute("echo -e \"password\npassword\" | passwd root");
  6. Ensure there is no line break in the line you just pasted. The whole content should be in a single line and the line should start with config otherwise this isn't gonna work.

  7. Encrypt the config using the command openssl aes-128-cbc -pass file:key.txt -in input.txt -out output.enc (Change input.txt and output.enc respectively).

  8. The output file should have the same name as your actual backed up config file in step 2.

  9. Restore the new backup file in Router Admin page at Administrator > Maintenance.

  10. Done! Now Telnet into the Router and use username as root and password as password.