Konrad Borowski fc3fbc4b1d Delete Python 2
It's going to be retired, see
2019-12-29 11:49:07 +01:00

423 lines
13 KiB

"identifier": "plaintext",
"name": "Plain text"
"identifier": "c",
"name": "C",
"helloworld": "#include <stdio.h>\n\nint main(void) {\n puts(\"Hello, world!\");\n return 0;\n}",
"implementations": [
"label": "Clang",
"identifier": "clang",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "clang",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code code.c; clang %s code.c && ./a.out"
"label": "gcc",
"identifier": "gcc",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "gcc",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code code.c; gcc %s code.c && ./a.out"
"identifier": "cpp",
"name": "C++",
"helloworld": "#include <iostream>\n\nint main(void) {\n std::cout << \"Hello, world!\\n\";\n}",
"implementations": [
"label": "Clang",
"identifier": "clang",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "clangcpp",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code code.cpp; clang++ %s code.cpp && ./a.out"
"label": "g++",
"identifier": "gcc",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "gpp",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code code.cpp; g++ %s code.cpp && ./a.out"
"identifier": "csharp",
"name": "C#",
"helloworld": "using System;\n\nclass Program {\n static void Main(string[] args) {\n Console.WriteLine(\"Hello, world!\");\n }\n}",
"implementations": [
"label": ".NET Core",
"identifier": "netcore",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "netcore",
"label": "Run",
"code": "ln -fst . /opt/microsoft/home/csharp/bin/Debug/netcoreapp*/*; dotnet /usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk/*/Roslyn/bincore/csc.dll %s code @/opt/microsoft/home/csharp/csopts.txt >&2; dotnet project.dll"
"identifier": "go",
"name": "Go",
"helloworld": "package main\n\nimport \"fmt\"\n\nfunc main() {\n\tfmt.Println(\"Hello, world!\")\n}",
"implementations": [
"label": "gc",
"identifier": "gc",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "gc",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code code.go; go run code.go"
"identifier": "goimports",
"label": "Format",
"code": "goimports -w code; cat code",
"is_formatter": true
"identifier": "haskell",
"name": "Haskell",
"helloworld": "main = putStrLn \"Hello, world!\"",
"implementations": [
"label": "GHC",
"identifier": "ghc",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "ghc",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code code.hs; ghc %s code.hs && ./code"
"identifier": "html",
"name": "HTML"
"identifier": "java",
"name": "Java",
"helloworld": "class HelloWorld {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n System.out.println(\"Hello, world!\");\n }\n}",
"implementations": [
"label": "OpenJDK 8",
"identifier": "openjdk8",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "openjdk8",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code; /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0/bin/javac %s; /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0/bin/java \"$(perl -e 'my @classes = grep { !/\\$/ } glob q[*.class]; if (@classes == 1) { my $class = $classes[0]; $class =~ s/\\.class\\z//; print $class } else { print q[Main] }')\""
"label": "OpenJDK 11",
"identifier": "openjdk11",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "openjdk11",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code; /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_11/bin/javac %s; /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_11/bin/java \"$(perl -e 'my @classes = grep { !/\\$/ } glob q[*.class]; if (@classes == 1) { my $class = $classes[0]; $class =~ s/\\.class\\z//; print $class } else { print q[Main] }')\""
"identifier": "javascript",
"name": "JavaScript",
"helloworld": "console.log(\"Hello, world!\");",
"implementations": [
"label": "Node.js",
"identifier": "nodejs",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "nodejs",
"label": "Run",
"code": "node %s code"
"identifier": "jinja2",
"name": "Jinja2"
"identifier": "jsx",
"name": "JSX"
"identifier": "markdown",
"name": "Markdown"
"identifier": "perl",
"name": "Perl",
"helloworld": "use v5.12;\nuse warnings;\n\nsay \"Hello, world!\";",
"implementations": [
"label": "Perl",
"identifier": "perl",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "perl",
"label": "Run",
"code": "perl %s code"
"identifier": "php",
"name": "PHP",
"helloworld": "<?php\necho \"Hello, world!\\n\";",
"implementations": [
"label": "PHP",
"identifier": "php",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "php",
"label": "Run",
"code": "php %s code"
"identifier": "postgresql",
"name": "PostgreSQL"
"identifier": "python",
"name": "Python 3",
"helloworld": "print(\"Hello, world!\")",
"implementations": [
"label": "CPython",
"identifier": "cpython",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "cpython",
"label": "Run",
"code": "python3 %s code"
"identifier": "black",
"label": "Format (black)",
"code": "black code; cat code",
"is_formatter": true
"identifier": "raku",
"name": "Raku",
"helloworld": "say \"Hello, world!\"",
"implementations": [
"label": "Rakudo",
"identifier": "rakudo",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "rakudo",
"label": "Run",
"code": "perl6 %s code"
"identifier": "rust",
"name": "Rust",
"helloworld": "fn main() {\n println!(\"Hello, world!\");\n}",
"implementations": [
"label": "Stable",
"identifier": "stable",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "rustc-stable",
"label": "Run",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-run stable %s"
"identifier": "rustc-asm-stable",
"label": "ASM",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-asm stable %s",
"is_asm": true
"identifier": "rustfmt-stable",
"label": "Rustfmt",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-fmt stable",
"is_formatter": true
"identifier": "clippy-stable",
"label": "Clippy",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-clippy stable"
"label": "Beta",
"identifier": "beta",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "rustc-beta",
"label": "Run",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-run beta %s"
"identifier": "rustc-asm-beta",
"label": "ASM",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-asm beta %s",
"is_asm": true
"identifier": "rustfmt-beta",
"label": "Rustfmt",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-fmt beta",
"is_formatter": true
"identifier": "clippy-beta",
"label": "Clippy",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-clippy beta"
"label": "Nightly",
"identifier": "nightly",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "rustc-nightly",
"label": "Run",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-run nightly %s"
"identifier": "rustc-asm-nightly",
"label": "ASM",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-asm nightly %s",
"is_asm": true
"identifier": "rustfmt-nightly",
"label": "Rustfmt",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-fmt nightly",
"is_formatter": true
"identifier": "clippy-nightly",
"label": "Clippy",
"code": "/opt/util/rust-clippy nightly"
"identifier": "sh",
"name": "Sh",
"helloworld": "echo Hello, world!",
"implementations": [
"label": "sh",
"identifier": "sh",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "sh",
"label": "Run",
"code": "sh %s code"
"identifier": "sql",
"name": "SQL"
"identifier": "sqlite",
"name": "SQLite",
"helloworld": "SELECT 'Hello, world!'",
"implementations": [
"label": "SQLite",
"identifier": "sqlite",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "sqlite",
"label": "Run",
"code": "sqlite3 %s < code"
"identifier": "typescript",
"name": "TypeScript",
"helloworld": "console.log(\"Hello, world!\");",
"implementations": [
"label": "Node.js",
"identifier": "nodejs",
"wrappers": [
"identifier": "typescript-nodejs",
"label": "Run",
"code": "mv code code.ts; /usr/local/bin/tsc %s code.ts && node code"
"identifier": "tsx",
"name": "TypeScript-JSX"