This repository contains documentation on how to create native WireGuard and OpenVPN connections to our __NextGen network__, and also on how to enable Port Forwarding in case you require this feature. You will find a lot of information below. However if you prefer quick test, here is the __TL/DR__:
The scripts were written so that they are easy to read and to modify. We hope you will enjoy forking the repo and customizing the scripts for your setup!
* Port Forwarding is disabled on server-side in the United States.
* These scripts do not touch IPv6 or DNS, so that you have the freedom to configure your setup the way you desire it to work. This means you should have good understanding of VPN and cybersecurity in order to properly configure your setup.
* For battle-tested security, please use the official PIA App, as it was designed to protect you in all scenarios.
* This repo is really fresh at this moment, so please take into consideration the fact that you will probably be one of the first users that use the scripts.
The PIA Port Forwarding service (a.k.a. PF) allows you run services on your own devices, and expose them to the internet by using the PIA VPN Network. The easiest way to set this up is by using a native PIA aplication. In case you require port forwarding on native clients, please follow this documentation in order to enable port forwarding for your VPN connection.
In order to help you use VPN services and PF on any device, we have prepared a few bash scripts that should help you through the process of setting everything up. The scripts also contain a lot of comments, just in case you require detailed information regarding how the technology works. The functionality is controlled via environment variables, so that you have an easy time automating your setup.
* [Get the best region and a token]( This script helps you to get the best region and also to get a token for VPN authentication. Adding your PIA credentials to env vars `PIA_USER` and `PIA_PASS` will allow the script to also get a VPN token. The script can also trigger the WireGuard script to create a connection, if you specify `PIA_AUTOCONNECT=wireguard` or `PIA_AUTOCONNECT=openvpn_udp_standard`
* [Connect to WireGuard]( This script allows you to connect to the VPN server via WireGuard.
* [Connect to OpenVPN]( This script allows you to connect to the VPN server via OpenVPN.
* [Enable Port Forwarding]( Enables you to add Port Forwarding to an existing VPN connection. Adding the environment variable `PIA_PF=true` to any of the previous scripts will also trigger this script.
To use port forwarding on the NextGen network, first of all establish a connection with your favorite protocol. After this, you will need to find the private IP of the gateway you are connected to. In case you are WireGuard, the gateway will be part of the JSON response you get from the server, as you can see in the [bash script]( In case you are using OpenVPN, you can find the gateway by checking the routing table with `ip route s t all`.
After connecting and finding out what the gateway is, get your payload and your signature by calling `getSignature` via HTTPS on port 19999. You will have to add your token as a GET var to prove you actually have an active account.
This is where you can also see the port you received. Please consider `expires_at` as your request will fail if the token is too old. All ports currently expire after 2 months.
Use the payload and the signature to bind the port on any server you desire. This is also done by curling the gateway of the VPN server you are connected to.