Gregory Mierzwinski 647efa1b37
Bug 1670284 - Enable webrender for all tests and run a subset without webrender. (#16325)
* Enable webrender for all tests and run a subset without webrender.

* Run tests on PR.

* Change task labels for webrender-enabled tests.

* Move transform logic to after the main transform.

* Reformat group symbol.

* Check if extra field is empty.

* Try a different method for treeherder info.

* Fix up assignment issue.

* Reformat symbol field instead of groupSymbol.

* Add new task group to config.

* Change the platform name for webrender tasks.

* Undo testing changes.

* Undo platform naming changes.
2020-11-06 16:10:04 +01:00

148 lines
5.2 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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Apply some defaults and minor modifications to the jobs defined in the build
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import copy
import json
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.treeherder import inherit_treeherder_from_dep
from taskgraph.util.schema import resolve_keyed_by
transforms = TransformSequence()
def add_variants(config, tasks):
only_types = config.config["only-for-build-types"]
only_abis = config.config["only-for-abis"]
tests = list(tasks)
for dep_task in config.kind_dependencies_tasks:
build_type = dep_task.attributes.get("build-type", '')
if build_type not in only_types:
for abi, apk_metadata in dep_task.attributes["apks"].items():
if abi not in only_abis:
apk_path = apk_metadata["name"]
for test in tests:
test = copy.deepcopy(test)
attributes = copy.deepcopy(dep_task.attributes)
attributes.update(test.get("attributes", {}))
attributes["abi"] = abi
attributes["apk"] = apk_path
test["attributes"] = attributes
test["primary-dependency"] = dep_task
yield test
def build_browsertime_task(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
signing = task.pop("primary-dependency")
task.setdefault("dependencies", {})["signing"] = signing.label
build_type = task["attributes"]["build-type"]
abi = task["attributes"]["abi"]
apk = task["attributes"]["apk"]
test_name = task.pop("test-name")
task["name"] = "{}-{}-{}".format(task["name"], build_type, abi)
task["description"] = "{}-{}".format(build_type, abi)
for key in ("args", "treeherder.platform", "worker-type"):
resolve_keyed_by(task, key, item_name=task["name"], **{"abi": abi})
task["treeherder"] = inherit_treeherder_from_dep(task, signing)
extra_config = {
"installer_url": "<signing/{}>".format(apk),
"test_packages_url": "<geckoview-nightly/public/build/en-US/target.test_packages.json>",
env = task["worker"]["env"]
"artifact-reference": json.dumps(extra_config, sort_keys=True)
env["GECKO_HEAD_REV"] = "default"
env["MOZILLA_BUILD_URL"] = {"artifact-reference": "<signing/{}>".format(apk)}
"artifact-reference": "<geckoview-nightly/public/build/en-US/mozharness.zip>"
env["TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_TYPE"] = task["worker-type"]
worker = task["worker"]
worker.setdefault("mounts", []).append(
"content": {
"url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/default/taskcluster/scripts/tester/test-linux.sh"
"file": "./test-linux.sh",
task["run"]["command"].extend(task.pop("args", []))
# Setup visual metrics
run_visual_metrics = task.pop("run-visual-metrics", False)
if run_visual_metrics:
task["attributes"]["run-visual-metrics"] = True
# Setup chimera for combined warm+cold testing
if task.pop("chimera", False):
# taskcluster is merging task attributes with the default ones
# resulting the --cold extra option in the ytp warm tasks
if 'youtube-playback' in task["name"]:
yield task
def enable_webrender(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if not task.pop("web-render-only", False):
newtask = copy.deepcopy(task)
yield newtask
task["name"] += "-wr"
task["description"] += "-wr"
# Setup group symbol
group, sym = task["treeherder"]["symbol"].split("(")
task["treeherder"]["symbol"] = "{}-wr({})".format(group, sym[:-1])
yield task
def fill_email_data(config, tasks):
product_name = config.graph_config['taskgraph']['repositories']['mobile']['name']
format_kwargs = {
"product_name": product_name.lower(),
"head_rev": config.params["head_rev"],
for task in tasks:
format_kwargs["task_name"] = task["name"]
resolve_keyed_by(task, 'notify', item_name=task["name"], level=config.params["level"])
email = task["notify"].get("email")
if email:
email["link"]["href"] = email["link"]["href"].format(**format_kwargs)
email["subject"] = email["subject"].format(**format_kwargs)
yield task