
594 lines
24 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.fenix.ext
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import mozilla.components.service.pocket.PocketStory.PocketRecommendedStory
import mozilla.components.service.pocket.PocketStory.PocketSponsoredStory
import mozilla.components.service.pocket.PocketStory.PocketSponsoredStoryCaps
import mozilla.components.service.pocket.PocketStory.PocketSponsoredStoryShim
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNull
import org.junit.Assert.assertSame
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Test
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.appstate.AppState
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.pocket.POCKET_STORIES_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.pocket.PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.pocket.PocketRecommendedStoriesSelectedCategory
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.recentsyncedtabs.RecentSyncedTabState
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.random.Random
class AppStateTest {
private val otherStoriesCategory =
PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory("other", getFakePocketStories(3, "other"))
private val anotherStoriesCategory =
PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory("another", getFakePocketStories(3, "another"))
private val defaultStoriesCategory = PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory(
fun `GIVEN no category is selected and no sponsored stories are available WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN only Pocket stories from the default category are returned`() {
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(
otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategory
val result = state.getFilteredStories()
result.firstOrNull {
it is PocketRecommendedStory && it.category != POCKET_STORIES_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME
fun `GIVEN no category is selected and no sponsored stories are available WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN no more than the default stories number are returned from the default category`() {
val defaultStoriesCategoryWithManyStories = PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory(
getFakePocketStories(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT + 2)
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(
otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategoryWithManyStories
val result = state.getFilteredStories()
assertEquals(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT, result.size)
fun `GIVEN no category is selected and 1 sponsored story available WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN get stories from the default category combined with the sponsored one`() {
val defaultStoriesCategoryWithManyStories = PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory(
val sponsoredStories = getFakeSponsoredStories(1)
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(
otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategoryWithManyStories
pocketSponsoredStories = sponsoredStories
val result = state.getFilteredStories().toMutableList()
assertEquals(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT, result.size)
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[0], result[1]) // second story should be a sponsored one
result.removeAt(1) // remove the sponsored story to hopefully only remain with general recommendations
result.firstOrNull {
it is PocketRecommendedStory && it.category != POCKET_STORIES_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME
fun `GIVEN no category is selected and 2 sponsored stories available WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN get stories from the default category combined with the sponsored stories`() {
val defaultStoriesCategoryWithManyStories = PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory(
val sponsoredStories = getFakeSponsoredStories(4)
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(
otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategoryWithManyStories
pocketSponsoredStories = sponsoredStories
val result = state.getFilteredStories().toMutableList()
assertEquals(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT, result.size)
// second story should be a sponsored one
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[1], result[1])
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[3], result[POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT - 1])
// remove the sponsored stories to hopefully only remain with general recommendations
result.firstOrNull {
it is PocketRecommendedStory && it.category != POCKET_STORIES_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME
fun `GIVEN a list of sponsored stories WHEN filtering them THEN have them ordered by priority`() {
val stories = getFakeSponsoredStories(4).mapIndexed { index, story ->
story.copy(priority = index)
val result = getFilteredSponsoredStories(stories, 10)
assertEquals(4, result.size)
assertEquals(stories.reversed(), result)
fun `GIVEN a list of sponsored stories WHEN filtering them THEN drop the ones already shown for the maximum number of times in lifetime`() {
val stories = getFakeSponsoredStories(4).mapIndexed { index, story ->
when (index % 2 == 0) {
true -> story.copy(
caps = story.caps.copy(
currentImpressions = listOf(1, 2, 3),
lifetimeCount = 3
false -> story
val result = getFilteredSponsoredStories(stories, 10)
assertEquals(2, result.size)
assertEquals(stories[1], result[0])
assertEquals(stories[3], result[1])
fun `GIVEN a list of sponsored stories WHEN filtering them THEN drop the ones already shown for the maximum number of times in flight`() {
val stories = getFakeSponsoredStories(4).mapIndexed { index, story ->
when (index % 2 == 0) {
true -> story
false -> story.copy(
caps = story.caps.copy(
currentImpressions = listOf(
flightCount = 3
val result = getFilteredSponsoredStories(stories, 10)
assertEquals(2, result.size)
assertEquals(stories[0], result[0])
assertEquals(stories[2], result[1])
fun `GIVEN a list of sponsored stories WHEN filtering them THEN return up to limit of stories asked`() {
val stories = getFakeSponsoredStories(4)
val result = getFilteredSponsoredStories(stories, 2)
assertEquals(2, result.size)
fun `GIVEN multiple stories of both types WHEN combining them THEN show sponsored stories at positionn 2 and 8`() {
val recommendedStories = getFakePocketStories(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT, "other")
val sponsoredStories = getFakeSponsoredStories(4)
val result = combineRecommendedAndSponsoredStories(recommendedStories, sponsoredStories)
assertEquals(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT, result.size)
assertEquals(recommendedStories[0], result[0])
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[0], result[1])
assertEquals(recommendedStories[1], result[2])
assertEquals(recommendedStories[2], result[3])
assertEquals(recommendedStories[3], result[4])
assertEquals(recommendedStories[4], result[5])
assertEquals(recommendedStories[5], result[6])
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[1], result[POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT - 1])
fun `GIVEN a category is selected and 1 sponsored story is available WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN only stories from that category and the sponsored story are returned`() {
val sponsoredStories = getFakeSponsoredStories(1)
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategory),
pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = listOf(PocketRecommendedStoriesSelectedCategory(otherStoriesCategory.name)),
pocketSponsoredStories = sponsoredStories
val result = state.getFilteredStories().toMutableList()
assertEquals(4, result.size)
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[0], result[1]) // second story should be a sponsored one
// remove the sponsored story to hopefully only remain with stories from the selected category
result.firstOrNull {
it is PocketRecommendedStory && it.category != otherStoriesCategory.name
fun `GIVEN two categories selected and 1 sponsored story available WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN only stories from the selected categories and the sponsored story are returned`() {
val sponsoredStories = getFakeSponsoredStories(1)
val yetAnotherStoriesCategory =
PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory("yetAnother", getFakePocketStories(3, "yetAnother"))
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(
otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, yetAnotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategory,
pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = listOf(
pocketSponsoredStories = sponsoredStories
val result = state.getFilteredStories().toMutableList()
// Only 7 stories available: 3*2 stories from the selected categories plus one sponsored story
assertEquals(7, result.size)
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[0], result[1]) // second story should be a sponsored one
// remove the sponsored story to hopefully only remain with stories from the selected category
result.firstOrNull {
(it !is PocketRecommendedStory) ||
(it.category != otherStoriesCategory.name && it.category != anotherStoriesCategory.name)
fun `GIVEN two categories selected and 2 sponsored stories available WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN no more than the default stories number are returned`() {
val sponsoredStories = getFakeSponsoredStories(4)
val yetAnotherStoriesCategory =
PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory("yetAnother", getFakePocketStories(10, "yetAnother"))
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(
otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, yetAnotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategory,
pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = listOf(
pocketSponsoredStories = sponsoredStories
val result = state.getFilteredStories().toMutableList()
assertEquals(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT, result.size)
// second and penultimate story should be sponsored stories
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[1], result[1])
assertEquals(sponsoredStories[3], result[POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT - 1])
// remove the sponsored stories to hopefully only remain with stories from the selected categories
result.firstOrNull {
(it !is PocketRecommendedStory) ||
(it.category != otherStoriesCategory.name && it.category != yetAnotherStoriesCategory.name)
fun `GIVEN a category is selected WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN no more than the default stories number are returned from the selected category`() {
val otherStoriesCategoryWithManyStories =
getFakePocketStories(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT + 2, "other")
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories =
listOf(otherStoriesCategoryWithManyStories, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategory),
pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections =
val result = state.getFilteredStories()
assertEquals(POCKET_STORIES_TO_SHOW_COUNT, result.size)
fun `GIVEN two categories are selected WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN only stories from those categories are returned`() {
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategory),
pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = listOf(
val result = state.getFilteredStories()
assertEquals(6, result.size)
result.firstOrNull {
it is PocketRecommendedStory &&
it.category != otherStoriesCategory.name &&
it.category != anotherStoriesCategory.name
fun `GIVEN no category is selected WHEN getFilteredStoriesCount is called THEN return an empty result`() {
val result = getFilteredStoriesCount(emptyList(), 1)
fun `GIVEN a category is selected WHEN getFilteredStoriesCount is called for at most the stories from this category THEN only stories count only from that category are returned`() {
var result = getFilteredStoriesCount(listOf(otherStoriesCategory), 2)
assertEquals(1, result.keys.size)
assertEquals(otherStoriesCategory.name, result.entries.first().key)
assertEquals(2, result[otherStoriesCategory.name])
result = getFilteredStoriesCount(listOf(otherStoriesCategory), 3)
assertEquals(1, result.keys.size)
assertEquals(otherStoriesCategory.name, result.entries.first().key)
assertEquals(3, result[otherStoriesCategory.name])
fun `GIVEN a category is selected WHEN getFilteredStoriesCount is called for more stories than in this category THEN return only that`() {
val result = getFilteredStoriesCount(listOf(otherStoriesCategory), 4)
assertEquals(1, result.keys.size)
assertEquals(otherStoriesCategory.name, result.entries.first().key)
assertEquals(3, result[otherStoriesCategory.name])
fun `GIVEN two categories are selected WHEN getFilteredStoriesCount is called for at most the stories count in both THEN only stories counts from those categories are returned`() {
var result = getFilteredStoriesCount(listOf(otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory), 2)
assertEquals(2, result.keys.size)
assertEquals(1, result[otherStoriesCategory.name])
assertEquals(1, result[anotherStoriesCategory.name])
result = getFilteredStoriesCount(listOf(otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory), 6)
assertEquals(2, result.keys.size)
assertEquals(3, result[otherStoriesCategory.name])
assertEquals(3, result[anotherStoriesCategory.name])
fun `GIVEN two categories are selected WHEN getFilteredStoriesCount is called for more results than stories in both THEN only stories counts from those categories are returned`() {
val result = getFilteredStoriesCount(listOf(otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory), 8)
assertEquals(2, result.keys.size)
assertEquals(3, result[otherStoriesCategory.name])
assertEquals(3, result[anotherStoriesCategory.name])
fun `GIVEN two categories are selected WHEN getFilteredStoriesCount is called for an odd number of results THEN there are more by one results from first selected category`() {
val result = getFilteredStoriesCount(listOf(otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory), 5)
assertEquals(3, result[otherStoriesCategory.name])
assertEquals(2, result[anotherStoriesCategory.name])
fun `GIVEN two categories selected with more than needed stories WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN the results are sorted in the order of least shown`() {
val firstCategory = PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory(
"first", getFakePocketStories(3, "first")
).run {
// Avoid the first item also being the oldest to eliminate a potential bug in code
// that would still get the expected result.
stories = stories.mapIndexed { index, story ->
when (index) {
0 -> story.copy(timesShown = 333)
1 -> story.copy(timesShown = 0)
else -> story.copy(timesShown = 345)
val secondCategory = PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory(
"second", getFakePocketStories(3, "second")
).run {
// Avoid the first item also being the oldest to eliminate a potential bug in code
// that would still get the expected result.
stories = stories.mapIndexed { index, story ->
when (index) {
0 -> story.copy(timesShown = 222)
1 -> story.copy(timesShown = 111)
else -> story.copy(timesShown = 11)
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(firstCategory, secondCategory),
pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = listOf(
PocketRecommendedStoriesSelectedCategory(firstCategory.name, selectionTimestamp = 0),
PocketRecommendedStoriesSelectedCategory(secondCategory.name, selectionTimestamp = 222)
val result = state.getFilteredStories()
assertEquals(6, result.size)
assertSame(secondCategory.stories[2], result.first())
assertSame(secondCategory.stories[1], result[1])
assertSame(secondCategory.stories[0], result[2])
assertSame(firstCategory.stories[1], result[3])
assertSame(firstCategory.stories[0], result[4])
assertSame(firstCategory.stories[2], result[5])
fun `GIVEN old selections of categories which do not exist anymore WHEN getFilteredStories is called THEN ignore not found selections`() {
val state = AppState(
pocketStoriesCategories = listOf(otherStoriesCategory, anotherStoriesCategory, defaultStoriesCategory),
pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = listOf(
val result = state.getFilteredStories()
assertEquals(3, result.size)
result.firstOrNull {
it is PocketRecommendedStory && it.category != anotherStoriesCategory.name
fun `GIVEN recent tabs disabled in settings WHEN checking to show tabs THEN section should not be shown`() {
val settings = mockk<Settings> {
every { showRecentTabsFeature } returns false
val state = AppState()
fun `GIVEN only local tabs WHEN checking to show tabs THEN section should be shown`() {
val settings = mockk<Settings> {
every { showRecentTabsFeature } returns true
val state = AppState(recentTabs = listOf(mockk()))
fun `GIVEN only remote tabs WHEN checking to show tabs THEN section should be shown`() {
val settings = mockk<Settings> {
every { showRecentTabsFeature } returns true
val state = AppState(recentSyncedTabState = RecentSyncedTabState.Success(mockk()))
fun `GIVEN local and remote tabs WHEN checking to show tabs THEN section should be shown`() {
val settings = mockk<Settings> {
every { showRecentTabsFeature } returns true
val state = AppState(
recentTabs = listOf(mockk()),
recentSyncedTabState = RecentSyncedTabState.Success(mockk())
private fun getFakePocketStories(
limit: Int = 1,
): List<PocketRecommendedStory> {
return mutableListOf<PocketRecommendedStory>().apply {
for (index in 0 until limit) {
val randomNumber = Random.nextInt(0, 10)
title = "This is a ${"very ".repeat(randomNumber)} long title",
publisher = "Publisher",
url = "https://story$randomNumber.com",
imageUrl = "",
timeToRead = randomNumber,
category = category,
timesShown = index.toLong()
private fun getFakeSponsoredStories(limit: Int) = mutableListOf<PocketSponsoredStory>().apply {
for (index in 0 until limit) {
id = index,
title = "Story title $index",
url = "https://sponsored.story",
imageUrl = "https://sponsored.image",
sponsor = "Sponsor $index",
shim = PocketSponsoredStoryShim(
click = "Story title $index click shim",
impression = "Story title $index impression shim"
priority = 2 + index % 2,
caps = PocketSponsoredStoryCaps(
lifetimeCount = 1 + index * 5,
flightCount = 1 + index * 2,
flightPeriod = 1 + index * 3,