Gabriel 56b21426eb
For #5574 - Migrate SessionControl to LibState (#6651)
* For #5574 - Part 1: Port TabAction.SaveTabGroup to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController. (#6651)

- Introduces the TabSessionInteractor, SessionControlInteractor and SessionControlController classes.
- Removes the TabAction.SaveTabGroup.

* For #5574 - Part 2: Port TabAction.PrivateBrowsingLearnMore to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 3: Port TabAction.ShareTabs to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 4: Remove unused TabAction.Share and TabItemMenu (#6651)

In #2205, the tab overflow button was removed which would have shown the
TabItemMenu when clicked. So, we can remove TabItemMenu since it is not
used and as a result, we can also remove TabAction.Share since there are
no consumers.

* For #5574 - Part 5: Port TabAction.PlayMedia and TabAction.PauseMedia to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 6: Port TabAction.Select to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 7: Port Onboarding.Finish to OnboardingInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 8: Port TabAction.Close and TabAction.CloseAll to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

- Removes TabAction

* For #5574 - Part 9: Port CollectionAction.Delete to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 10: Port CollectionAction.ShareTabs to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 11: Port CollectionAction.AddTab and CollectionAction.Rename to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 12: Port CollectionAction.RemoveTab to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 13: Port CollectionAction.OpenTab to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 14: Port CollectionAction.CloseTabs to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 15: Introduce a HomeFragmentStore (#6651)

- We will hook up the HomeFragmentStore in later parts.
- Removes List<Tab>.toSessionBundle(context: Context) since it is unused.

* For #5574 - Part 16: Port CollectionAction.Collapse and CollectionAction.Expand to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

- We assume the store is hooked up to the SessionControlController in this part,
but this work will be done in a later part.
- Removes CollectionAction.

* For #5574 - Part 20: Remove the architecture module. (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 17:  Remove duplicate subscribeToTabCollections in BrowserFragment.kt (#6651)

There is a duplicate call of subscribeToTabCollections() in both HomeFragment and BrowserFragment.
In this patch, we remove the call in BrowserFragment to avoid passing the HomeFragmentStore to
BrowserFragment in order to dispatch the CollectionsChange event.

* For #5574 - Part 18: Delete SessionControlComponent and fix TabCollection and Tab imports (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 19: Use the new HomeFragmentStore in the HomeFragment (#6651)

- Renames SessionControlUIView to SessionControlView

* For #5574 - Part 21: Fix white screen on home fragment (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 22: Fix formatting in SessionControlInteractor and replace See with @see in SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 23: Move to metrics.track call to the beginning of handleCollectionRemoveTab (#6651)

This ensures that the metrics.track will be called immediately before the tab is removed from the collection.

* For #5574 - Part 24: Use the sessionManager getter in SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 25: Use mapNotNull in List<Tab>.toSessionBundle (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 26: Simplify closeTab and closeAllTabs functions by assigning a deletionJob constant (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 27: Replace listOf() with emptyList() in removeAllTabsWithUndo (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 28: Replace the Context parameter with the HomeActivity in SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 29: Add test for HomeFragmentStore, DefaultSessionControlController and SessionControlInteractor (#6651)

* For #5574 - Removes running CI against the architecture debug build varient
2019-12-04 22:06:05 -05:00

85 lines
2.2 KiB

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
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// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
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url "https://maven.mozilla.org/maven2"
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configurations {
dependencies {
ktlint "com.pinterest:ktlint:0.34.2"
task ktlint(type: JavaExec, group: "verification") {
description = "Check Kotlin code style."
classpath = configurations.ktlint
main = "com.pinterest.ktlint.Main"
args "app/src/**/*.kt"