Gabriel 56b21426eb
For #5574 - Migrate SessionControl to LibState (#6651)
* For #5574 - Part 1: Port TabAction.SaveTabGroup to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController. (#6651)

- Introduces the TabSessionInteractor, SessionControlInteractor and SessionControlController classes.
- Removes the TabAction.SaveTabGroup.

* For #5574 - Part 2: Port TabAction.PrivateBrowsingLearnMore to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 3: Port TabAction.ShareTabs to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 4: Remove unused TabAction.Share and TabItemMenu (#6651)

In #2205, the tab overflow button was removed which would have shown the
TabItemMenu when clicked. So, we can remove TabItemMenu since it is not
used and as a result, we can also remove TabAction.Share since there are
no consumers.

* For #5574 - Part 5: Port TabAction.PlayMedia and TabAction.PauseMedia to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 6: Port TabAction.Select to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 7: Port Onboarding.Finish to OnboardingInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 8: Port TabAction.Close and TabAction.CloseAll to TabSessionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

- Removes TabAction

* For #5574 - Part 9: Port CollectionAction.Delete to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 10: Port CollectionAction.ShareTabs to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 11: Port CollectionAction.AddTab and CollectionAction.Rename to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 12: Port CollectionAction.RemoveTab to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 13: Port CollectionAction.OpenTab to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 14: Port CollectionAction.CloseTabs to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 15: Introduce a HomeFragmentStore (#6651)

- We will hook up the HomeFragmentStore in later parts.
- Removes List<Tab>.toSessionBundle(context: Context) since it is unused.

* For #5574 - Part 16: Port CollectionAction.Collapse and CollectionAction.Expand to CollectionInteractor and SessionControlController (#6651)

- We assume the store is hooked up to the SessionControlController in this part,
but this work will be done in a later part.
- Removes CollectionAction.

* For #5574 - Part 20: Remove the architecture module. (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 17:  Remove duplicate subscribeToTabCollections in BrowserFragment.kt (#6651)

There is a duplicate call of subscribeToTabCollections() in both HomeFragment and BrowserFragment.
In this patch, we remove the call in BrowserFragment to avoid passing the HomeFragmentStore to
BrowserFragment in order to dispatch the CollectionsChange event.

* For #5574 - Part 18: Delete SessionControlComponent and fix TabCollection and Tab imports (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 19: Use the new HomeFragmentStore in the HomeFragment (#6651)

- Renames SessionControlUIView to SessionControlView

* For #5574 - Part 21: Fix white screen on home fragment (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 22: Fix formatting in SessionControlInteractor and replace See with @see in SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 23: Move to metrics.track call to the beginning of handleCollectionRemoveTab (#6651)

This ensures that the metrics.track will be called immediately before the tab is removed from the collection.

* For #5574 - Part 24: Use the sessionManager getter in SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 25: Use mapNotNull in List<Tab>.toSessionBundle (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 26: Simplify closeTab and closeAllTabs functions by assigning a deletionJob constant (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 27: Replace listOf() with emptyList() in removeAllTabsWithUndo (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 28: Replace the Context parameter with the HomeActivity in SessionControlController (#6651)

* For #5574 - Part 29: Add test for HomeFragmentStore, DefaultSessionControlController and SessionControlInteractor (#6651)

* For #5574 - Removes running CI against the architecture debug build varient
2019-12-04 22:06:05 -05:00

689 lines
28 KiB

plugins {
id "com.jetbrains.python.envs" version "0.0.26"
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply from: "$project.rootDir/automation/gradle/versionCode.gradle"
apply plugin: 'androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin'
apply plugin: 'com.google.android.gms.oss-licenses-plugin'
import com.android.build.OutputFile
import org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput.Style
import org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutputFactory
import static org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestResult.ResultType
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
defaultConfig {
applicationId "org.mozilla"
minSdkVersion Config.minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion Config.targetSdkVersion
versionCode 1
versionName Config.generateDebugVersionName()
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
testInstrumentationRunnerArguments clearPackageData: 'true'
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "false"
resValue "bool", "IS_DEBUG", "false"
buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING", "false"
def releaseTemplate = {
shrinkResources true
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
matchingFallbacks = ['release'] // Use on the "release" build type in dependencies (AARs)
buildTypes {
debug {
shrinkResources false
minifyEnabled false
applicationIdSuffix ".fenix.debug"
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "true"
resValue "bool", "IS_DEBUG", "true"
pseudoLocalesEnabled true
forPerformanceTest releaseTemplate >> { // the ">>" concatenates the raptor-specific options with the template
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "true"
applicationIdSuffix ".fenix.performancetest"
debuggable true
fenixNightly releaseTemplate >> {
applicationIdSuffix ".fenix.nightly"
buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING", "true"
fenixBeta releaseTemplate >> {
applicationIdSuffix ".fenix.beta"
buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING", "true"
fenixProduction releaseTemplate >> {
applicationIdSuffix ".fenix"
buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING", "true"
fennecProduction releaseTemplate >> {
buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING", "true"
applicationIdSuffix ".firefox"
manifestPlaceholders = [
// This release type is meant to replace Firefox (Release channel) and therefore needs to inherit
// its sharedUserId for all eternity. See:
// https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=moz_android_shared_id&case=false&regexp=false&path=
// Shipping an app update without sharedUserId can have
// fatal consequences. For example see:
// - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36924841
// - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36905922
"sharedUserId": "org.mozilla.firefox.sharedID"
fennecBeta releaseTemplate >> {
buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING", "true"
applicationIdSuffix ".firefox_beta"
manifestPlaceholders = [
// This release type is meant to replace Firefox (Release channel) and therefore needs to inherit
// its sharedUserId for all eternity. See:
// https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=moz_android_shared_id&case=false&regexp=false&path=
// Shipping an app update without sharedUserId can have
// fatal consequences. For example see:
// - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36924841
// - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36905922
"sharedUserId": "org.mozilla.firefox.sharedID"
fennecNightly releaseTemplate >> {
buildConfigField "boolean", "USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING", "true"
applicationIdSuffix ".fennec_aurora"
manifestPlaceholders = [
// This release type is meant to replace Firefox (Release channel) and therefore needs to inherit
// its sharedUserId for all eternity. See:
// https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=moz_android_shared_id&case=false&regexp=false&path=
// Shipping an app update without sharedUserId can have
// fatal consequences. For example see:
// - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36924841
// - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36905922
"sharedUserId": "org.mozilla.fennec.sharedID"
variantFilter { // There's a "release" build type that exists by default that we don't use (it's replaced by "nightly" and "beta")
if (buildType.name == 'release') {
setIgnore true
// Current build variant setup:
// | geckoNightly | geckoBeta |
// |--------------------|---------------|-----------|
// | debug | ✅ | ✅ | Both variants for testing and development.
// | forPerformanceTest | ✅ | ✅ | Both variants unless the perf team only cares about Nightly (TBD).
// | fenixNightly | ✅ | ✅ | Built with both, but only the "geckoNightly" one is published to Google Play
// | fenixBeta | ❌ | ✅ | Fenix Beta ships with GV Beta
// | fenixProduction | ❌ | ✅ | Fenix Production ships with GV Beta
// | fennecProduction | ❌ | ✅ | Fenix build to replace production Firefox builds
// | fennecBeta | ❌ | ✅ | Fenix build to replace beta Firefox builds
// | fennecNightly | ✅ | ❌ | Fenix build to replace Nightly Firefox builds
def flavors = flavors*.name.toString().toLowerCase()
if (buildType.name == 'fenixBeta' && flavors.contains("geckonightly")) {
setIgnore true
if (buildType.name == 'fenixProduction' && flavors.contains("geckonightly")) {
setIgnore true
if ((buildType.name == 'fennecProduction' || buildType.name == 'fennecBeta') && flavors.contains("geckonightly")) {
setIgnore true
if (buildType.name == 'fennecNightly' && flavors.contains("geckobeta")) {
setIgnore true
testOptions {
unitTests.includeAndroidResources = true
flavorDimensions "engine"
sourceSets {
androidTest {
resources.srcDirs += ['src/androidTest/resources']
fennecNightly {
java.srcDirs = ['src/migration/java']
manifest.srcFile "src/migration/AndroidManifest.xml"
fennecBeta {
java.srcDirs = ['src/migration/java']
manifest.srcFile "src/migration/AndroidManifest.xml"
fennecProduction {
java.srcDirs = ['src/migration/java']
manifest.srcFile "src/migration/AndroidManifest.xml"
productFlavors {
geckoNightly {
dimension "engine"
geckoBeta {
dimension "engine"
splits {
abi {
enable true
include "x86", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
lintOptions {
baseline file("lint-baseline.xml")
lintConfig file("lint.xml")
packagingOptions {
exclude 'META-INF/atomicfu.kotlin_module'
testOptions {
unitTests.returnDefaultValues = true
def baseVersionCode = generatedVersionCode
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set up kotlin-allopen plugin for writing tests
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean hasTest = gradle.startParameter.taskNames.find { it.contains("test") || it.contains("Test") } != null
if (hasTest) {
apply plugin: 'kotlin-allopen'
allOpen {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate version codes for builds
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def isDebug = variant.buildType.resValues['IS_DEBUG']?.value ?: false
def useReleaseVersioning = variant.buildType.buildConfigFields['USE_RELEASE_VERSIONING']?.value ?: false
def versionName = Config.releaseVersionName(project)
println("Variant name: " + variant.name)
println("Application ID: " + [variant.mergedFlavor.applicationId, variant.buildType.applicationIdSuffix].findAll().join())
println("Build type: " + variant.buildType.name)
println("Flavor: " + variant.flavorName)
println("Telemetry enabled: " + !isDebug)
if (useReleaseVersioning) {
// The Google Play Store does not allow multiple APKs for the same app that all have the
// same version code. Therefore we need to have different version codes for our ARM and x86
// builds.
// Our generated version code now has a length of 9 (See automation/gradle/versionCode.gradle).
// Our x86 builds need a higher version code to avoid installing ARM builds on an x86 device
// with ARM compatibility mode.
variant.outputs.each { output ->
def abi = output.getFilter(OutputFile.ABI)
def versionCodeOverride
if (variant.name.contains("Fennec")) {
versionCodeOverride = Config.generateFennecVersionCode(abi)
} else if (abi == "x86_64") {
versionCodeOverride = baseVersionCode + 3
} else if (abi == "x86") {
versionCodeOverride = baseVersionCode + 2
} else if (abi == "arm64-v8a") {
versionCodeOverride = baseVersionCode + 1
} else if (abi == "armeabi-v7a") {
versionCodeOverride = baseVersionCode
} else {
throw RuntimeException("Unknown ABI: $abi")
println("versionCode for $abi = $versionCodeOverride")
output.versionNameOverride = versionName
output.versionCodeOverride = versionCodeOverride
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildConfig: Set variables for Sentry, Crash Reporting, and Telemetry
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
buildConfigField 'String', 'SENTRY_TOKEN', 'null'
if (!isDebug) {
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'CRASH_REPORTING', 'true'
// Reading sentry token from local file (if it exists). In a release task on taskcluster it will be available.
try {
def token = new File("${rootDir}/.sentry_token").text.trim()
buildConfigField 'String', 'SENTRY_TOKEN', '"' + token + '"'
} catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {}
} else {
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'CRASH_REPORTING', 'false'
if (!isDebug) {
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'TELEMETRY', 'true'
} else {
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'TELEMETRY', 'false'
def buildDate = Config.generateBuildDate()
buildConfigField 'String', 'BUILD_DATE', '"' + buildDate + '"'
def variantName = variant.getName()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adjust: Read token from local file if it exists (Only release builds)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Adjust token: ")
if (!isDebug) {
try {
def token = new File("${rootDir}/.adjust_token").text.trim()
buildConfigField 'String', 'ADJUST_TOKEN', '"' + token + '"'
println "(Added from .adjust_token file)"
} catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
buildConfigField 'String', 'ADJUST_TOKEN', 'null'
} else {
buildConfigField 'String', 'ADJUST_TOKEN', 'null'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Leanplum: Read token from local file if it exists
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Leanplum token: ")
try {
def parts = new File("${rootDir}/.leanplum_token").text.trim().split(":")
def id = parts[0]
def key = parts[1]
buildConfigField 'String', 'LEANPLUM_ID', '"' + id + '"'
buildConfigField 'String', 'LEANPLUM_TOKEN', '"' + key + '"'
println "(Added from .leanplum_token file)"
} catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
buildConfigField 'String', 'LEANPLUM_ID', 'null'
buildConfigField 'String', 'LEANPLUM_TOKEN', 'null'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Digital Asset Links: Read token from local file if it exists
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Digital Asset Links token: ")
try {
def token = new File("${rootDir}/.digital_asset_links_token").text.trim()
buildConfigField 'String', 'DIGITAL_ASSET_LINKS_TOKEN', '"' + token + '"'
println "(Added from .digital_asset_links_token file)"
} catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
buildConfigField 'String', 'DIGITAL_ASSET_LINKS_TOKEN', 'null'
androidExtensions {
experimental = true
dependencies {
geckoNightlyImplementation Deps.mozilla_browser_engine_gecko_nightly
geckoBetaImplementation Deps.mozilla_browser_engine_gecko_beta
implementation Deps.kotlin_stdlib
implementation Deps.kotlin_coroutines
testImplementation Deps.kotlin_coroutines_test
implementation Deps.androidx_appcompat
implementation Deps.androidx_constraintlayout
implementation Deps.androidx_coordinatorlayout
implementation Deps.rxAndroid
implementation Deps.rxKotlin
implementation Deps.rxBindings
implementation Deps.autodispose
implementation Deps.autodispose_android
implementation Deps.autodispose_android_aac
implementation Deps.anko_commons
implementation Deps.anko_sdk
implementation Deps.anko_constraintlayout
implementation Deps.sentry
implementation Deps.leanplum
implementation Deps.osslicenses_library
implementation Deps.mozilla_concept_engine
implementation Deps.mozilla_concept_push
implementation Deps.mozilla_concept_storage
implementation Deps.mozilla_concept_sync
implementation Deps.mozilla_concept_toolbar
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_awesomebar
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_downloads
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_domains
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_icons
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_menu
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_search
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_session
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_state
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_storage_sync
implementation Deps.mozilla_browser_toolbar
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_accounts
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_app_links
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_awesomebar
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_contextmenu
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_customtabs
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_downloads
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_intent
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_media
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_prompts
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_push
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_pwa
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_qr
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_search
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_session
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_toolbar
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_tabs
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_findinpage
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_site_permissions
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_readerview
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_tab_collections
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_sendtab
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_webcompat
implementation Deps.mozilla_feature_webnotifications
implementation Deps.mozilla_service_sync_logins
implementation Deps.mozilla_service_firefox_accounts
implementation Deps.mozilla_service_fretboard
implementation Deps.mozilla_service_glean
implementation Deps.mozilla_service_experiments
implementation Deps.mozilla_support_base
implementation Deps.mozilla_support_ktx
implementation Deps.mozilla_support_rustlog
implementation Deps.mozilla_support_utils
// We only care about support-migration in builds that will be overwriting Fennec.
fennecProductionImplementation Deps.mozilla_support_migration
fennecBetaImplementation Deps.mozilla_support_migration
fennecNightlyImplementation Deps.mozilla_support_migration
implementation Deps.mozilla_ui_colors
implementation Deps.mozilla_ui_icons
implementation Deps.mozilla_ui_publicsuffixlist
implementation Deps.mozilla_lib_crash
implementation Deps.mozilla_lib_push_firebase
implementation Deps.mozilla_lib_dataprotect
debugImplementation Deps.leakcanary
implementation Deps.androidx_legacy
implementation Deps.androidx_biometric
implementation Deps.androidx_paging
implementation Deps.androidx_preference
implementation Deps.androidx_fragment
implementation Deps.androidx_navigation_fragment
implementation Deps.androidx_navigation_ui
implementation Deps.androidx_recyclerview
implementation Deps.androidx_lifecycle_livedata
implementation Deps.androidx_lifecycle_runtime
implementation Deps.androidx_lifecycle_viewmodel
implementation Deps.androidx_core
implementation Deps.androidx_core_ktx
implementation Deps.androidx_transition
implementation Deps.androidx_work_ktx
implementation Deps.google_material
implementation Deps.autodispose
implementation Deps.lottie
implementation Deps.adjust
implementation Deps.installreferrer // Required by Adjust
implementation Deps.google_ads_id // Required for the Google Advertising ID
androidTestImplementation Deps.uiautomator
// Removed pending AndroidX fixes
// androidTestImplementation "tools.fastlane:screengrab:1.2.0"
// androidTestImplementation "br.com.concretesolutions:kappuccino:1.2.1"
androidTestImplementation Deps.espresso_core, {
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-annotations'
androidTestImplementation(Deps.espresso_contrib) {
exclude module: 'appcompat-v7'
exclude module: 'support-v4'
exclude module: 'support-annotations'
exclude module: 'recyclerview-v7'
exclude module: 'design'
exclude module: 'espresso-core'
androidTestImplementation Deps.androidx_test_core
androidTestImplementation Deps.espresso_idling_resources
androidTestImplementation Deps.tools_test_runner
androidTestImplementation Deps.tools_test_rules
androidTestUtil Deps.orchestrator
androidTestImplementation Deps.espresso_core, {
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-annotations'
androidTestImplementation Deps.mockwebserver
testImplementation Deps.mozilla_support_test
testImplementation Deps.androidx_junit
testImplementation Deps.androidx_work_testing
testImplementation (Deps.robolectric) {
exclude group: 'org.apache.maven'
testImplementation 'org.apache.maven:maven-ant-tasks:2.1.3'
// For production builds, the native code for all `org.mozilla.appservices`
// dependencies gets compiled together into a single "megazord" build, and
// different megazords are published for different subsets of features. Ref
// https://mozilla.github.io/application-services/docs/applications/consuming-megazord-libraries.html
// We want to use the one that's specifically designed for Fenix.
implementation Deps.fenix_megazord
testImplementation Deps.fenix_megazord_forUnitTests
implementation Deps.mozilla_support_rusthttp
modules {
module('org.mozilla.appservices:full-megazord') {
replacedBy('org.mozilla.appservices:fenix-megazord', 'prefer the fenix megazord, to reduce final application size')
module('org.mozilla.appservices:fenix-megazord') {
replacedBy('org.mozilla.appservices:fenix-megazord-forUnitTests', 'prefer the forUnitTests variant if present')
testImplementation Deps.mockito_core
androidTestImplementation Deps.mockito_android
testImplementation Deps.mockk
testImplementation Deps.assertk
// For the initial release of Glean 19, we require consumer applications to
// depend on a separate library for unit tests. This will be removed in future releases.
testImplementation Deps.mozilla_service_glean_forUnitTests
if (project.hasProperty("raptor")) {
android.defaultConfig.manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "true"
if (project.hasProperty("coverage")) {
tasks.withType(Test) {
jacoco.includeNoLocationClasses = true
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
task "jacoco${variant.name.capitalize()}TestReport"(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: "test${variant.name.capitalize()}UnitTest") {
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
def fileFilter = ['**/R.class', '**/R$*.class', '**/BuildConfig.*', '**/Manifest*.*',
'**/*Test*.*', 'android/**/*.*', '**/*$[0-9].*']
def kotlinDebugTree = fileTree(dir: "$project.buildDir/tmp/kotlin-classes/${variant.name}", excludes: fileFilter)
def javaDebugTree = fileTree(dir: "$project.buildDir/intermediates/classes/${variant.flavorName}/${variant.buildType.name}",
excludes: fileFilter)
def mainSrc = "$project.projectDir/src/main/java"
sourceDirectories = files([mainSrc])
classDirectories = files([kotlinDebugTree, javaDebugTree])
executionData = fileTree(dir: project.buildDir, includes: [
"jacoco/test${variant.name.capitalize()}UnitTest.exec", 'outputs/code-coverage/connected/*coverage.ec'
android {
buildTypes {
debug {
testCoverageEnabled true
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task for printing APK information for the requested variant
// Usage: "./gradlew printVariants
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
task printVariants {
doLast {
def variants = android.applicationVariants.collect {[
apks: it.variantData.outputScope.apkDatas.collect {[
abi: it.filters.find { it.filterType == 'ABI' }.identifier,
fileName: it.outputFileName,
build_type: it.buildType.name,
engine: it.productFlavors.find { it.dimension == 'engine' }.name,
name: it.name,
// AndroidTest is a special case not included above
apks: [[
abi: 'noarch',
fileName: 'app-geckoNightly-debug-androidTest.apk',
build_type: 'androidTest',
engine: 'geckoNightly',
name: 'androidTest',
println 'variants: ' + groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(variants)
def glean_android_components_tag = (
Versions.mozilla_android_components.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT') ?
'master' :
'v' + Versions.mozilla_android_components
// Generate markdown docs for the collected metrics.
ext.gleanGenerateMarkdownDocs = true
ext.gleanDocsDirectory = "$rootDir/docs"
apply from: 'https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/raw/' + glean_android_components_tag + '/components/service/glean/scripts/sdk_generator.gradle'
// For production builds, the native code for all `org.mozilla.appservices` dependencies gets compiled together
// into a single "megazord" build, and different megazords are published for different subsets of features.
// Ref https://mozilla.github.io/application-services/docs/applications/consuming-megazord-libraries.html
// Substitute all appservices dependencies with an appropriate megazord.
afterEvaluate {
// Format test output. Ported from AC #2401
tasks.matching {it instanceof Test}.all {
systemProperty "robolectric.logging", "stdout"
systemProperty "logging.test-mode", "true"
testLogging.events = []
def out = services.get(StyledTextOutputFactory).create("tests")
beforeSuite { descriptor ->
if (descriptor.getClassName() != null) {
out.style(Style.Header).println("\nSUITE: " + descriptor.getClassName())
beforeTest { descriptor ->
out.style(Style.Description).println(" TEST: " + descriptor.getName())
onOutput { descriptor, event ->
logger.lifecycle(" " + event.message.trim())
afterTest { descriptor, result ->
switch (result.getResultType()) {
case ResultType.SUCCESS:
out.style(Style.Success).println(" SUCCESS")
case ResultType.FAILURE:
out.style(Style.Failure).println(" FAILURE")
logger.lifecycle("", result.getException())
case ResultType.SKIPPED:
out.style(Style.Info).println(" SKIPPED")
if (gradle.hasProperty('localProperties.dependencySubstitutions.geckoviewTopsrcdir')) {
if (gradle.hasProperty('localProperties.dependencySubstitutions.geckoviewTopobjdir')) {
ext.topobjdir = gradle."localProperties.dependencySubstitutions.geckoviewTopobjdir"
ext.topsrcdir = gradle."localProperties.dependencySubstitutions.geckoviewTopsrcdir"
apply from: "${topsrcdir}/substitute-local-geckoview.gradle"
if (gradle.hasProperty('localProperties.autoPublish.android-components.dir')) {
ext.acSrcDir = gradle."localProperties.autoPublish.android-components.dir"
apply from: "../${acSrcDir}/substitute-local-ac.gradle"