for #11830 created class containing the logic for sending AllStartup telemetry logic

lint check

renamed the intentReceived telemetry to appOpenedAllSource

added comments

removed unused code

moved lifecycle process to AppAllSourceStartTelemetry

moved tracking event out of init function

lint fix

moved appAllStartTelemetry to components

added bit more info about the metrics

added the  onReceivedIntent metric back

minor fix

change discriptions based on the comments frm MR

wrote test cases for AppAllSourceStartTelemetry.kt

lint fix

test case to mock application going background

post rebase:

post rebase:

fixed nit from comments

fixed nit from comments

fixed nit from comments

lint fix

lint fix
This commit is contained in:
sraturi 2020-06-29 15:15:12 -07:00 committed by Michael Comella
parent 6a618aa318
commit 537d95c04d
9 changed files with 223 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,36 @@ no_lint:
type: event
description: |
A user opened the app to the HomeActivity. The HomeActivity
encompasses the home screen, browser screen, settings screen,
collections and other screens in the nav_graph.
This differs from the app_opened probe because it measures all
startups, not just cold startup. Note: There is a short gap
between the time application goes into background and the time
android reports the application going into the background.
Note: This metric does not cover the following cases:
Case # 1 -> a). open a link(for example, gmail) with in-app
Browser (metric report custom_tab startup) b). press home button
c). open gmail again (which brings us back to in app browser).
Step c will not report startup metric. Case # 2 -> a). open fenix
b). press home button c). launch fenix through app switcher/recent
apps. step c will not report startup type.
description: |
The method used to open Fenix. Possible values are `app_icon`,
`custom_tab`, `link` or `unknown`
expires: "2020-12-01"
type: event
description: |

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ open class HomeActivity : LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity(), NavHostActivity {
// record on cold startup
?.also { }
?.also { }
@ -217,9 +217,15 @@ open class HomeActivity : LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity(), NavHostActivity {
StartupTimeline.onActivityCreateEndHome(this) // DO NOT MOVE ANYTHING BELOW HERE.
protected open fun setAppAllStartTelemetry(safeIntent: SafeIntent) {
override fun onResume() {
@ -281,14 +287,15 @@ open class HomeActivity : LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity(), NavHostActivity {
?.also { it.dismissAllowingStateLoss() }
// If there is a warm or hot startup, onNewIntent method is always called first.
// Note: This does not work in case of an user sending an intent with ACTION_VIEW
// for example, launch the application, and than use adb to send an intent with
// ACTION_VIEW to open a link. In this case, we will get multiple telemetry events.
?.also { }
?.also { }
@ -412,11 +419,11 @@ open class HomeActivity : LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity(), NavHostActivity {
protected open fun getIntentAllSource(intent: SafeIntent): Event.AppRecievedIntent.Source? {
protected open fun getIntentAllSource(intent: SafeIntent): Event.AppReceivedIntent.Source? {
return when {
intent.isLauncherIntent -> Event.AppRecievedIntent.Source.APP_ICON
intent.action == Intent.ACTION_VIEW -> Event.AppRecievedIntent.Source.LINK
else -> Event.AppRecievedIntent.Source.UNKNOWN
intent.isLauncherIntent -> Event.AppReceivedIntent.Source.APP_ICON
intent.action == Intent.ACTION_VIEW -> Event.AppReceivedIntent.Source.LINK
else -> Event.AppReceivedIntent.Source.UNKNOWN

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import mozilla.components.lib.publicsuffixlist.PublicSuffixList
import org.mozilla.fenix.BuildConfig
import org.mozilla.fenix.HomeActivity
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.AppAllSourceStartTelemetry
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.ClipboardHandler
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Mockable
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
@ -81,6 +82,8 @@ class Components(private val context: Context) {
val appAllSourceStartTelemetry by lazy { AppAllSourceStartTelemetry(analytics.metrics) }
val addonUpdater by lazy {
DefaultAddonUpdater(context, AddonUpdater.Frequency(12, TimeUnit.HOURS))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics
import android.content.Intent
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver
import androidx.lifecycle.OnLifecycleEvent
import androidx.lifecycle.ProcessLifecycleOwner
* Tracks how the application was opened through [Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup].
* We only considered to be "opened" if it received an intent and the app was in the background.
class AppAllSourceStartTelemetry(private val metrics: MetricController) : LifecycleObserver {
// default value is true to capture the first launch of the application
private var wasApplicationInBackground = true
init {
fun receivedIntentInExternalAppBrowserActivity(safeIntent: SafeIntent) {
setAppOpenedAllSourceFromIntent(safeIntent, true)
fun receivedIntentInHomeActivity(safeIntent: SafeIntent) {
setAppOpenedAllSourceFromIntent(safeIntent, false)
private fun setAppOpenedAllSourceFromIntent(intent: SafeIntent, isExternalAppBrowserActivity: Boolean) {
if (!wasApplicationInBackground) {
val source = when {
isExternalAppBrowserActivity -> Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.CUSTOM_TAB
intent.isLauncherIntent -> Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.APP_ICON
intent.action == Intent.ACTION_VIEW -> Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.LINK
else -> Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.UNKNOWN
wasApplicationInBackground = false
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = PRIVATE)
fun onApplicationOnStop() {
wasApplicationInBackground = true

View File

@ -98,10 +98,14 @@ private val Event.wrapper: EventWrapper<*>?
{ Events.appOpened.record(it) },
{ Events.appOpenedKeys.valueOf(it) }
is Event.AppRecievedIntent -> EventWrapper(
is Event.AppReceivedIntent -> EventWrapper(
{ Events.appReceivedIntent.record(it) },
{ Events.appReceivedIntentKeys.valueOf(it) }
is Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup -> EventWrapper(
{ Events.appOpenedAllStartup.record(it) },
{ Events.appOpenedAllStartupKeys.valueOf(it) }
is Event.SearchBarTapped -> EventWrapper(
{ Events.searchBarTapped.record(it) },
{ Events.searchBarTappedKeys.valueOf(it) }

View File

@ -312,11 +312,19 @@ sealed class Event {
get() = hashMapOf(Events.appOpenedKeys.source to
data class AppRecievedIntent(val source: Source) : Event() {
data class AppReceivedIntent(val source: Source) : Event() {
enum class Source { APP_ICON, LINK, CUSTOM_TAB, UNKNOWN }
override val extras: Map<Events.appReceivedIntentKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(Events.appReceivedIntentKeys.source to
override val extras: Map<Events.appOpenedAllStartupKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(Events.appOpenedAllStartupKeys.source to
data class AppOpenedAllSourceStartup(val source: Source) : Event() {
enum class Source { APP_ICON, LINK, CUSTOM_TAB, UNKNOWN }
override val extras: Map<Events.appOpenedAllStartupKeys, String>?
get() = hashMapOf(Events.appOpenedAllStartupKeys.source to
data class CollectionSaveButtonPressed(val fromScreen: String) : Event() {

View File

@ -41,10 +41,14 @@ open class ExternalAppBrowserActivity : HomeActivity() {
final override fun getIntentSource(intent: SafeIntent) = Event.OpenedApp.Source.CUSTOM_TAB
final override fun getIntentAllSource(intent: SafeIntent) = Event.AppRecievedIntent.Source.CUSTOM_TAB
final override fun getIntentAllSource(intent: SafeIntent) = Event.AppReceivedIntent.Source.CUSTOM_TAB
final override fun getIntentSessionId(intent: SafeIntent) = intent.getSessionId()
override fun setAppAllStartTelemetry(safeIntent: SafeIntent) {
override fun getNavDirections(
from: BrowserDirection,
customTabSessionId: String?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics
import android.content.Intent
import io.mockk.MockKAnnotations
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.impl.annotations.RelaxedMockK
import io.mockk.verify
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
class AppAllSourceStartTelemetryTest {
private lateinit var metricController: MetricController
private lateinit var intent: Intent
private lateinit var appAllSourceStartTelemetry: AppAllSourceStartTelemetry
fun setup() {
appAllSourceStartTelemetry = AppAllSourceStartTelemetry(metricController)
fun `WHEN a main launcher intent is received in HomeActivity THEN an app start metric is recorded from app_icon`() {
every { intent.action } returns Intent.ACTION_MAIN
every { intent.categories.contains(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER) } returns true
val validSource = Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.APP_ICON
verify(exactly = 1) { metricController.track(Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup(validSource)) }
fun `WHEN a VIEW intent is received in HomeActivity THEN an app start metric is recorded from link`() {
every { intent.action } returns Intent.ACTION_VIEW
val validSource = Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.LINK
verify(exactly = 1) { metricController.track(Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup(validSource)) }
fun `WHEN a intent is received in ExternalAppBrowserActivity THEN an app start metric is recorded from custom_tab`() {
val intent = Intent()
val validSource = Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.CUSTOM_TAB
verify(exactly = 1) { metricController.track(Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup(validSource)) }
fun `GIVEN an app is in the foreground WHEN an intent is received THEN no startup metric is recorded`() {
verify(exactly = 1) { metricController.track(any()) }
fun `WHEN application goes in background and comes foreground, THEN an app start metric is recorded`() {
// first startup
// mock application going in the background
verify(exactly = 2) { metricController.track(any()) }
fun `WHEN an intent received in HomeActivity is not launcher or does not have VIEW action, THEN an app start is recorded from unknown`() {
every { intent.action } returns Intent.ACTION_MAIN
val validSource = Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup.Source.UNKNOWN
verify(exactly = 1) { metricController.track(Event.AppOpenedAllSourceStartup(validSource)) }

View File

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ The following metrics are added to the ping:
| download_notification.try_again |[event]( |A user tapped on try again when a download fails in the download notification |[1](||2020-10-01 | |
| error_page.visited_error |[event]( |A user encountered an error page |[1](|<ul><li>error_type: The error type of the error page encountered</li></ul>|2020-10-01 | |
| events.app_opened |[event]( |A user opened the app (from cold start, to the homescreen or browser) |[1](|<ul><li>source: The method used to open Fenix. Possible values are: `app_icon`, `custom_tab` or `link` </li></ul>|2020-10-01 | |
| events.app_opened_all_startup |[event]( |A user opened the app to the HomeActivity. The HomeActivity encompasses the home screen, browser screen, settings screen, collections and other screens in the nav_graph. This differs from the app_opened probe because it measures all startups, not just cold startup. Note: There is a short gap between the time application goes into background and the time android reports the application going into the background. Note: This metric does not cover the following cases: Case # 1 -> a). open a link(for example, gmail) with in-app Browser (metric report custom_tab startup) b). press home button c). open gmail again (which brings us back to in app browser). Step c will not report startup metric. Case # 2 -> a). open fenix b). press home button c). launch fenix through app switcher/recent apps. step c will not report startup type. |[1](|<ul><li>source: The method used to open Fenix. Possible values are `app_icon`, `custom_tab`, `link` or `unknown` </li></ul>|2020-12-01 | |
| events.app_received_intent |[event]( |The system received an Intent for the HomeActivity. An intent is received an external entity wants to the app to display content. Intents can be received when the app is closed at which point the app will be opened or when the app is already opened at which point the already open app will make changes such as loading a url. This can be used loosely as a heuristic for when the user requested to open the app. The HomeActivity encompasses the home screen and browser screen but may include other screens. This differs from the app_opened probe because it measures all startups, not just cold startup. |[1](|<ul><li>source: The method used to open Fenix. Possible values are `app_icon`, `custom_tab`, `link` or `unknown` </li></ul>|2020-12-01 | |
| events.browser_menu_action |[event]( |A browser menu item was tapped |[1](, [2](, [3](|<ul><li>item: A string containing the name of the item the user tapped. These items include: Settings, Help, Desktop Site toggle on/off, Find in Page, New Tab, Private Tab, Share, Report Site Issue, Back/Forward button, Reload Button, Quit, Reader Mode On, Reader Mode Off, Open In app, Add To Top Sites, Add-ons Manager, Bookmarks, History </li></ul>|2020-10-01 | |
| events.entered_url |[event]( |A user entered a url |[1](|<ul><li>autocomplete: A boolean that tells us whether the URL was autofilled by an Autocomplete suggestion </li></ul>|2020-10-01 | |