Obtain searchTerms from previous page in tab's history

Co-authored-by: Christian Sadilek <christian.sadilek@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Grisha Kruglov 2021-06-16 01:42:41 -07:00 committed by Christian Sadilek
parent 1a8ae21250
commit 2198298df5
5 changed files with 125 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.findTab
import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.selectedNormalTab
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.BrowserState
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.TabSessionState
import mozilla.components.feature.search.ext.parseSearchTerms
import mozilla.components.lib.state.Middleware
import mozilla.components.lib.state.MiddlewareContext
import mozilla.components.lib.state.Store
@ -66,12 +67,10 @@ class HistoryMetadataMiddleware(
is ContentAction.UpdateLoadingStateAction -> {
context.state.findNormalTab(action.sessionId)?.let { tab ->
val selectedTab = tab.id == context.state.selectedTabId
if (tab.content.loading && !action.loading) {
// When a page stops loading we record its metadata
createHistoryMetadata(context, tab)
} else if (!tab.content.loading && action.loading && selectedTab) {
if (!tab.content.loading && action.loading && selectedTab) {
// When a page starts loading (e.g. user navigated away by
// clicking on a link) we update metadata
// clicking on a link) we update metadata for the selected
// (i.e. previous) url of this tab.
@ -80,10 +79,25 @@ class HistoryMetadataMiddleware(
// Post process actions
// Post process actions. At this point, tab state will be up-to-date and will possess any
// changes introduced by the action. These handlers rely on up-to-date tab state, which
// is why they're in the "post" section.
when (action) {
// We're handling this after processing the action because we want the tab
// state to contain the updated media session state.
// NB: sometimes this fires multiple times after the page finished loading.
is ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction -> {
context.state.findNormalTab(action.sessionId)?.let { tab ->
// When history state is ready, we can record metadata for this page.
val knownHistoryMetadata = tab.historyMetadata
val metadataPresentForUrl = knownHistoryMetadata != null &&
knownHistoryMetadata.url == tab.content.url
// Record metadata for tab if there is no metadata present, or if url of the
// tab changes since we last recorded metadata.
if (!metadataPresentForUrl) {
createHistoryMetadata(context, tab)
// NB: this could be called bunch of times in quick succession.
is MediaSessionAction.UpdateMediaMetadataAction -> {
context.state.findNormalTab(action.tabId)?.let { tab ->
createHistoryMetadata(context, tab)
@ -93,7 +107,22 @@ class HistoryMetadataMiddleware(
private fun createHistoryMetadata(context: MiddlewareContext<BrowserState, BrowserAction>, tab: TabSessionState) {
val key = historyMetadataService.createMetadata(tab, tab.getParent(context.store))
val tabParent = tab.getParent(context.store)
val previousUrlIndex = tab.content.history.currentIndex - 1
// Obtain search terms and referrer url either from tab parent, or from the history stack.
val (searchTerm, referrerUrl) = when {
tabParent != null -> {
tabParent.content.searchTerms.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() } to tabParent.content.url
previousUrlIndex >= 0 -> {
val previousUrl = tab.content.history.items[previousUrlIndex].uri
context.state.search.parseSearchTerms(previousUrl) to previousUrl
else -> null to null
val key = historyMetadataService.createMetadata(tab, searchTerm, referrerUrl)
context.dispatch(HistoryMetadataAction.SetHistoryMetadataKeyAction(tab.id, key))

View File

@ -23,9 +23,14 @@ interface HistoryMetadataService {
* Creates a history metadata record for the provided tab.
* @param tab the [TabSessionState] to record metadata for.
* @param parent the parent [TabSessionState] for search and domain grouping purposes.
* @param searchTerms Search terms associated with this metadata.
* @param referrerUrl Referrer url associated with this metadata.
fun createMetadata(tab: TabSessionState, parent: TabSessionState? = null): HistoryMetadataKey
fun createMetadata(
tab: TabSessionState,
searchTerms: String? = null,
referrerUrl: String? = null
): HistoryMetadataKey
* Updates the history metadata corresponding to the provided tab.
@ -51,14 +56,14 @@ class DefaultHistoryMetadataService(
private val logger = Logger("DefaultHistoryMetadataService")
override fun createMetadata(tab: TabSessionState, parent: TabSessionState?): HistoryMetadataKey {
override fun createMetadata(tab: TabSessionState, searchTerms: String?, referrerUrl: String?): HistoryMetadataKey {
logger.debug("Creating metadata for tab ${tab.id}")
val existingMetadata = tab.historyMetadata
val metadataKey = if (existingMetadata != null && existingMetadata.url == tab.content.url) {
} else {
tab.toHistoryMetadataKey(searchTerms, referrerUrl)
val documentTypeObservation = HistoryMetadataObservation.DocumentTypeObservation(
@ -95,9 +100,9 @@ class DefaultHistoryMetadataService(
fun TabSessionState.toHistoryMetadataKey(parent: TabSessionState? = null): HistoryMetadataKey =
fun TabSessionState.toHistoryMetadataKey(searchTerms: String?, referrerUrl: String?): HistoryMetadataKey =
url = content.url,
referrerUrl = parent?.content?.url,
searchTerm = parent?.content?.searchTerms.takeUnless { it.isNullOrEmpty() }
referrerUrl = referrerUrl,
searchTerm = searchTerms

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@ -12,20 +12,27 @@ import io.mockk.verify
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.ContentAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.MediaSessionAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.SearchAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.action.TabListAction
import mozilla.components.browser.state.engine.EngineMiddleware
import mozilla.components.browser.state.search.SearchEngine
import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.findTab
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.BrowserState
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.TabSessionState
import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.createTab
import mozilla.components.browser.state.store.BrowserStore
import mozilla.components.concept.engine.history.HistoryItem
import mozilla.components.concept.storage.HistoryMetadataKey
import mozilla.components.support.test.ext.joinBlocking
import mozilla.components.support.test.mock
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mozilla.fenix.helpers.FenixRobolectricTestRunner
class HistoryMetadataMiddlewareTest {
private lateinit var store: BrowserStore
@ -43,22 +50,81 @@ class HistoryMetadataMiddlewareTest {
fun `GIVEN normal tab WHEN loading completed THEN meta data is recorded`() {
fun `GIVEN normal tab WHEN history is updated THEN meta data is also recorded`() {
val tab = createTab("https://mozilla.org")
val expectedKey = HistoryMetadataKey(url = tab.content.url)
every { service.createMetadata(any(), any()) } returns expectedKey
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateLoadingStateAction(tab.id, true)).joinBlocking()
verify { service wasNot Called }
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateLoadingStateAction(tab.id, false)).joinBlocking()
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction(tab.id, emptyList(), currentIndex = 0)).joinBlocking()
val capturedTab = slot<TabSessionState>()
verify { service.createMetadata(capture(capturedTab), null) }
verify(exactly = 1) { service.createMetadata(capture(capturedTab)) }
// Not recording if url didn't change.
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction(tab.id, emptyList(), currentIndex = 0)).joinBlocking()
verify(exactly = 1) { service.createMetadata(capture(capturedTab)) }
assertEquals(tab.id, capturedTab.captured.id)
assertEquals(expectedKey, store.state.findTab(tab.id)?.historyMetadata)
// Now, test that we'll record metadata for the same tab after url is changed.
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateUrlAction(tab.id, "https://firefox.com")).joinBlocking()
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction(tab.id, emptyList(), currentIndex = 0)).joinBlocking()
verify(exactly = 2) { service.createMetadata(capture(capturedTab)) }
assertEquals(tab.id, capturedTab.captured.id)
assertEquals(expectedKey, store.state.findTab(tab.id)?.historyMetadata)
fun `GIVEN normal tab has parent WHEN history metadata is recorded THEN search terms and referrer url are provided`() {
val parentTab = createTab("https://google.com?q=mozilla+website", searchTerms = "mozilla website")
val tab = createTab("https://mozilla.org", parent = parentTab)
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction(tab.id, emptyList(), currentIndex = 0)).joinBlocking()
verify {
service.createMetadata(any(), eq("mozilla website"), eq("https://google.com?q=mozilla+website"))
fun `GIVEN normal tab has no parent WHEN history metadata is recorded THEN search terms and referrer url are provided`() {
val tab = createTab("https://mozilla.org")
regionSearchEngines = listOf(
id = "google",
name = "Google",
icon = mock(),
type = SearchEngine.Type.BUNDLED,
resultUrls = listOf("https://google.com?q={searchTerms}")
userSelectedSearchEngineId = null,
userSelectedSearchEngineName = null,
regionDefaultSearchEngineId = "google",
customSearchEngines = emptyList(),
hiddenSearchEngines = emptyList(),
additionalAvailableSearchEngines = emptyList(),
additionalSearchEngines = emptyList(),
regionSearchEnginesOrder = listOf("google")
val historyState = listOf(
HistoryItem("firefox", "https://google.com?q=mozilla+website"),
HistoryItem("mozilla", "https://mozilla.org")
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction(tab.id, historyState, currentIndex = 1)).joinBlocking()
verify {
service.createMetadata(any(), eq("mozilla website"), eq("https://google.com?q=mozilla+website"))
@ -69,10 +135,9 @@ class HistoryMetadataMiddlewareTest {
every { service.createMetadata(any(), any()) } returns expectedKey
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateLoadingStateAction(tab.id, true)).joinBlocking()
verify { service wasNot Called }
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateLoadingStateAction(tab.id, false)).joinBlocking()
store.dispatch(ContentAction.UpdateHistoryStateAction(tab.id, emptyList(), currentIndex = 0)).joinBlocking()
verify { service wasNot Called }
@ -130,7 +195,7 @@ class HistoryMetadataMiddlewareTest {
store.dispatch(MediaSessionAction.UpdateMediaMetadataAction(tab.id, mockk())).joinBlocking()
val capturedTab = slot<TabSessionState>()
verify { service.createMetadata(capture(capturedTab), null) }
verify { service.createMetadata(capture(capturedTab)) }
assertEquals(tab.id, capturedTab.captured.id)
assertEquals(expectedKey, store.state.findTab(tab.id)?.historyMetadata)

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@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ class HistoryMetadataServiceTest {
fun `GIVEN a regular page WHEN metadata is created THEN a regular document type observation is recorded`() {
val parent = createTab("https://mozilla.org")
val tab = createTab("https://blog.mozilla.org", parent = parent)
service.createMetadata(tab, parent)
service.createMetadata(tab, searchTerms = "hello", referrerUrl = parent.content.url)
val expectedKey = HistoryMetadataKey(url = tab.content.url, referrerUrl = parent.content.url)
val expectedKey = HistoryMetadataKey(url = tab.content.url, searchTerm = "hello", referrerUrl = parent.content.url)
val expectedObservation = HistoryMetadataObservation.DocumentTypeObservation(documentType = DocumentType.Regular)
coVerify { storage.noteHistoryMetadataObservation(expectedKey, expectedObservation) }

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@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
object AndroidComponents {
const val VERSION = "91.0.20210617143333"
const val VERSION = "91.0.20210617193910"