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2021-04-25 06:52:32 +00:00
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
2021-04-26 22:02:23 +00:00
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
2021-04-25 06:52:32 +00:00
using static System.BitConverter;
namespace UFiber.Configurator
public class NVRAM
private const int NvRamCrcOffset = 0x3FC;
private const int NvRamCrcLength = 4;
private const uint NvRamOffset = 0x580;
private const uint NvRamLength = 0x400;
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private static readonly Regex _snMatcher = new Regex(@"^(([a-fA-F0-9]){2}-){7}([a-fA-F0-9]){2}$");
private static readonly Regex _pwMatcher = new Regex(@"^(([a-fA-F0-9]){2}-){9}([a-fA-F0-9]){2}$");
2021-04-25 06:52:32 +00:00
public uint Checksum { get; private set; }
public byte[] AfeId { get; }
public byte[] VoiceBoardId { get; }
public uint NandPartSizeKb { get; }
public uint NandPartOfsKb { get; }
public uint SyslogSize { get; }
public byte[] WLanParams { get; }
public byte[] WpsDevPin { get; }
public string GponPassword { get; private set; }
public byte[] GponVendorId { get; private set; }
public byte[] GponVendorSerialNumber { get; private set; }
public uint OldCheckSum { get; }
public byte[] BaseMacAddr { get; private set; }
public uint Version { get; }
public uint NumMacAddr { get; }
public uint PsiSize { get; }
public uint MainThread { get; }
public byte[] BoardId { get; }
public byte[] BootLine { get; }
private readonly byte[] _data;
private readonly int _offset;
private readonly int _length;
public NVRAM(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, uint offset = NvRamOffset, uint length = NvRamLength)
_data = new byte[data.Length];
_offset = (int)offset;
_length = (int)length;
Version = GetUint(0);
BootLine = _data[OffsetOf(0x4)..OffsetOf(0x104)];
BoardId = _data[OffsetOf(0x104)..OffsetOf(0x114)];
MainThread = GetUint(0x114);
PsiSize = GetUint(0x118);
NumMacAddr = GetUint(0x11C);
BaseMacAddr = _data[OffsetOf(0x120)..OffsetOf(0x126)];
OldCheckSum = GetUint(0x128);
GponVendorId = _data[OffsetOf(0x12C)..OffsetOf(0x130)];
GponVendorSerialNumber = _data[OffsetOf(0x130)..OffsetOf(0x139)];
GponPassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_data[OffsetOf(0x139)..OffsetOf(0x144)]);
WpsDevPin = _data[OffsetOf(0x144)..OffsetOf(0x14C)];
WLanParams = _data[OffsetOf(0x14C)..OffsetOf(0x24C)];
SyslogSize = GetUint(0x24C);
NandPartOfsKb = GetUint(0x250);
NandPartSizeKb = GetUint(0x264);
VoiceBoardId = _data[OffsetOf(0x278)..OffsetOf(0x288)];
AfeId = _data[OffsetOf(0x288)..OffsetOf(0x290)];
Checksum = GetUint(NvRamCrcOffset);
var crcIndex = _offset + NvRamCrcOffset;
_data[crcIndex++] = 0;
_data[crcIndex++] = 0;
_data[crcIndex++] = 0;
_data[crcIndex] = 0;
var crc = CRC32.GenerateCrc(_data.AsSpan(_offset, _length));
if (crc != Checksum)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid data, CRC doesn't match");
public void SetBaseMacAddress(string mac)
var data = AsBytes(mac);
public void SetBaseMacAddress(ReadOnlySpan<byte> mac)
const int MacRelativeOffset = 0x120;
const int MacLength = 6;
if (mac.Length != MacLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mac));
BaseMacAddr = SetBytes(mac, MacRelativeOffset, MacLength, false);
public void SetGponId(string id)
public void SetGponId(ReadOnlySpan<byte> id)
const int VendorIdRelativeOffset = 0x12C;
const int VendorIdLength = 4;
if (id.Length != VendorIdLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id));
GponVendorId = SetBytes(id, VendorIdRelativeOffset, VendorIdLength);
public void SetGponSerialNumber(string serialNumber)
2021-04-26 22:02:23 +00:00
if (_snMatcher.IsMatch(serialNumber))
this.SetGponId(AsBytes(serialNumber.Replace("-", "")[0..8]));
SetGponSerialNumber(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serialNumber.Replace("-", "")[8..]));
if (serialNumber.Contains("-")) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid serial number: {serialNumber}.");
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public void SetGponSerialNumber(ReadOnlySpan<byte> serialNumber)
const int VendorSnRelativeOffset = 0x130;
const int VendorSnLength = 8;
if (serialNumber.Length != VendorSnLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(serialNumber));
GponVendorSerialNumber = SetBytes(serialNumber, VendorSnRelativeOffset, VendorSnLength);
public void SetGponPassword(string password)
const int PasswordOffset = 0x139;
const int MaxPasswordLength = 10;
if (password == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(password));
if (password.Length > MaxPasswordLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(password));
2021-04-26 22:02:23 +00:00
byte[] bits = default!;
if (_pwMatcher.IsMatch(password))
password = password.Replace("-", "").PadLeft(MaxPasswordLength, '0');
bits = AsBytes(password);
password = password.PadLeft(MaxPasswordLength, '0');
bits = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
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SetBytes(bits.AsSpan(), PasswordOffset, password.Length);
GponPassword = password;
public byte[] CompletePatch()
var bits = _data.AsSpan(_offset, _length);
Checksum = CRC32.GenerateCrc(bits);
var bitsIndex = NvRamCrcOffset;
bits[bitsIndex++] = (byte)(Checksum >> 24);
bits[bitsIndex++] = (byte)((Checksum >> 16) & 0xFF);
bits[bitsIndex++] = (byte)((Checksum >> 8) & 0xFF);
bits[bitsIndex] = (byte)(Checksum & 0xFF);
return _data;
public override string ToString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("--- NVRAM Information --");
sb.AppendLine($"- mtdblock3 hash: {ComputeSha256Hash(this._data)}");
sb.AppendLine($"- NVRAM Version: {this.Version}");
sb.AppendLine($"- Boot parameters: {UnsafeAsciiBytesToString(this.BootLine)}");
sb.AppendLine($"- Board Id: {UnsafeAsciiBytesToString(this.BoardId)}");
sb.AppendLine($"- PSI size: {this.PsiSize}");
sb.AppendLine($"- Total MAC addresses: {this.NumMacAddr}");
sb.AppendLine($"- GPON MAC address: { BitConverter.ToString(this.BaseMacAddr).Replace("-", ":")}");
sb.AppendLine($"- GPON Vendor Id: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(this.GponVendorId)}");
sb.AppendLine($"- GPON Serial Number: {UnsafeAsciiBytesToString(this.GponVendorSerialNumber)}");
sb.AppendLine($"- GPON SLID (password): {this.GponPassword.TrimEnd((char)0)}");
sb.AppendLine($"- Checksum: {this.Checksum}");
return sb.ToString();
public static string UnsafeAsciiBytesToString(byte[] buffer)
fixed (byte* pAscii = buffer)
return new String((sbyte*)pAscii);
private int OffsetOf(int value) => _offset + value;
private int OffsetOf(int value1, int value2) => _offset + value1 + value2;
private byte[] SetBytes(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, int relativeOffset, int length, bool zeroTerminate = true)
var dataIndex = _offset + relativeOffset;
var dataEnd = dataIndex + length;
var sourceIndex = 0;
while (dataIndex < dataEnd)
_data[dataIndex++] = source[sourceIndex++];
if (zeroTerminate)
_data[dataIndex] = 0;
return _data[OffsetOf(relativeOffset)..OffsetOf(relativeOffset, length)];
private static byte[] AsBytes(string data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
if (data.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Data must be an even length.", nameof(data));
data = data.ToLower();
var len = data.Length / 2;
var bits = new byte[len];
var bitsIndex = 0;
var dataIndex = 0;
while (dataIndex < data.Length)
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var highNibble = FromHex(data[dataIndex++]);
var lowNibble = FromHex(data[dataIndex++]);
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bits[bitsIndex++] = (byte)(highNibble << 4 | lowNibble);
return bits;
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static int FromHex(char c) =>
2021-04-25 06:52:32 +00:00
c switch
>= 'a' and <= 'f' => 10 + (c - 'a'),
>= '0' and <= '9' => c - '0',
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(c))
private static string ComputeSha256Hash(byte[] rawData)
using (SHA256 sha256Hash = SHA256.Create())
byte[] bytes = sha256Hash.ComputeHash(rawData);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
return builder.ToString();
private uint GetUint(int offset)
var bits = _data.AsSpan(OffsetOf(offset), 4);
return (uint)(bits[0] << 24 |
bits[1] << 16 |
bits[2] << 8 |