TRUNCATE implementation_wrappers; DELETE FROM implementations; ALTER TABLE implementation_wrappers DROP CONSTRAINT implementation_wrappers_identifier_key, ADD CONSTRAINT implementation_wrappers_implementation_id_identifier_key UNIQUE (implementation_id, identifier); WITH impl (identifier, implid, impllabel) AS ( VALUES ('cpp', 'clang', 'Clang'), ('cpp', 'g-plus-plus', 'g++'), ('c', 'clang', 'Clang'), ('c', 'gcc', 'gcc'), ('python', 'cpython', 'CPython'), ('rust', 'rustc', 'rustc'), ('sqlite', 'sqlite', 'SQLite'), ('sh', 'sh', 'sh'), ('raku', 'rakudo', 'Rakudo'), ('perl', 'perl', 'perl') ) INSERT INTO implementations (language_id, identifier, label) SELECT language_id, implid, impllabel FROM impl JOIN languages USING (identifier); WITH implwrap (langidentifier, implidentifier, wrapidentifier, wraplabel, code, ordering, is_formatter, is_asm) AS ( VALUES ('cpp', 'clang', 'run', 'Run', 'mv code code.cpp; clang++ %s code.cpp && ./a.out', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('cpp', 'g-plus-plus', 'run', 'Run', 'mv code code.cpp; g++ %s code.cpp && ./a.out', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('c', 'clang', 'run', 'Run', 'mv code code.c; clang %s code.c && ./a.out', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('c', 'gcc', 'run', 'Run', 'mv code code.c; gcc %s code.c && ./a.out', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('python', 'cpython', 'format', 'Format (black)', 'black code; cat code', 2, TRUE, FALSE), ('python', 'cpython', 'run', 'Run', 'python3 %s code', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('sh', 'sh', 'run', 'Run', 'sh %s code', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('sqlite', 'sqlite', 'run', 'Run', 'sqlite3 %s < code', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('rust', 'rustc', 'run', 'Run', 'mv code && rustc %s && ./code', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('raku', 'rakudo', 'run', 'Run', 'perl6 %s code', 1, FALSE, FALSE), ('rust', 'rustc', 'format', 'Rustfmt', 'rustfmt code; cat code', 3, TRUE, FALSE), ('rust', 'rustc', 'asm', 'ASM', 'rustc --emit asm --crate-type rlib code && cat code.s', 2, FALSE, TRUE), ('perl', 'perl', 'run', 'Run', 'perl %s code', 1, FALSE, FALSE) ) INSERT INTO implementation_wrappers (implementation_id, identifier, label, code, ordering, is_formatter, is_asm) SELECT implementation_id, wrapidentifier, wraplabel, code, ordering, is_formatter, is_asm FROM implwrap JOIN implementations ON implidentifier = implementations.identifier JOIN languages ON implementations.language_id = languages.language_id AND langidentifier = languages.identifier;