using System; using System.IO; using Renci.SshNet; using UFiber.Configurator; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; var rootCommand = new RootCommand("Apply configuration changes to UFiber devices") { new Option( "--host", getDefaultValue: () => "", "IP or hostname of the target UFiber device."), new Option( "--user", getDefaultValue: () => "ubnt", "SSH user name."), new Option( "--pw", getDefaultValue: () => "ubnt", "SSH password."), new Option( "--port", getDefaultValue: () => 22, "SSH port of the target UFiber device."), new Option( "--dry-run", "Don't apply the patched file to the target UFiber device. (i.e. dry-run)"), new Option( "--slid", "The SLID (or PLOAM Password).", ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne), new Option( "--vendor", "4-digit Vendor Id (e.g. HWTC, MTSC, etc.). Combined with --serial, a GPON Serial Number is built.", ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne), new Option( "--serial", "8-digit (e.g. 01234567) serial number or 16-digit (e.g. 41-4C-43-4C-xx-xx-xx-xx) HEX serial number. Combined with --vendor, a GPON Serial Number is built. Note: If a 16-digit HEX value is provided, the first 4 bytes (8 digits) will replace whatever value was passed to Vendor Id with '--vendor'.", ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne), new Option( "--mac", "The desired MAC address to clone.", ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne), new Option( "--restore", "Restore a previous version of the firmware.", ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne) }; SshClient GetSSHClient(string userName, string password, string host, int port = 22) { var client = new SshClient(host, port, userName, password); client.Connect(); return client; } ScpClient GetSCPClient(string userName, string password, string host, int port = 22) { var client = new ScpClient(host, port, userName, password); client.Connect(); return client; } rootCommand.Handler = CommandHandler .Create( (host, user, pw, port, dryRun, slid, vendor, serial, mac, fwToRestore) => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Host is a required parameter and can't be empty."); Environment.ExitCode = -1; return; } SshClient ssh = default!; ScpClient scp = default!; try { // Connect to SSH and SCP ssh = GetSSHClient(user, pw, host, port); scp = GetSCPClient(user, pw, host, port); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Unable to connect to the target UFiber device. Please check the connection parameters and try again. Error: {ex.Message}"); Environment.ExitCode = -1; return; } var imgName = $"fw-{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("ddMMyyyy-hhmmss")}.bin"; // Dump the image file var cmd = ssh.RunCommand($"cat /dev/mtdblock3 > /tmp/{imgName}"); if (cmd.ExitStatus != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failute to dump the image file. Error: {cmd.Error}"); Environment.ExitCode = cmd.ExitStatus; return; } const string localDumps = "./dumps"; if (!Directory.Exists(localDumps)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(localDumps); } // Download the dump try { scp.Download($"/tmp/{imgName}", new DirectoryInfo(localDumps)); ssh.RunCommand($"rm /tmp/{imgName}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failure downloading original image file from the UFiber device. Error: {ex.Message}."); Environment.ExitCode = -1; return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fwToRestore)) { const string targetFileToRestore = "/tmp/restore.bin"; Console.WriteLine("Uploading original file to the target UFiber device..."); try { scp.Upload(new FileInfo(fwToRestore), targetFileToRestore); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failure uploading original image file to the UFiber device. Error: {ex.Message}."); Environment.ExitCode = -1; return; } Console.WriteLine("Uploaded!"); Console.WriteLine("### Applying original file on the target UFiber device..."); cmd = ssh.RunCommand($"dd if={targetFileToRestore} of=/dev/mtdblock3 && rm {targetFileToRestore}"); if (cmd.ExitStatus != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failure to apply original image file. Error: {cmd.Error}"); Environment.ExitCode = cmd.ExitStatus; return; } Console.WriteLine("### Applied patch! Please reboot your UFiber device to load the new image."); return; } var ram = new NVRAM(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(localDumps, imgName))); Console.WriteLine("### Original Image ###"); Console.WriteLine(ram); Console.WriteLine($"### Patching {imgName}..."); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vendor) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"To set the GPON Serial Number, you must pass both --vendor and --serial. You can skip the --vendor if you provide the full serial as HEX to the --serial."); Environment.ExitCode = -1; return; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vendor) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial)) { ram.SetGponId(vendor); ram.SetGponSerialNumber(serial); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vendor) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial)) { ram.SetGponSerialNumber(serial); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mac)) { ram.SetBaseMacAddress(mac); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slid)) { ram.SetGponPassword(slid); } var patched = ram.CompletePatch(); const string localPatched = "./patched"; if (!Directory.Exists(localPatched)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(localPatched); } var patchedFileName = $"patched-{imgName}"; File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(localPatched, patchedFileName), patched); Console.WriteLine($"### Patched {imgName}!"); Console.WriteLine(ram); if (!dryRun) { Console.WriteLine("Uploading patched file to the target UFiber device..."); try { scp.Upload(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(localPatched, patchedFileName)), $"/tmp/{patchedFileName}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failure uploading patched image file to the UFiber device. Error: {ex.Message}."); Environment.ExitCode = -1; return; } Console.WriteLine("Uploaded!"); Console.WriteLine("### Applying patched file on the target UFiber device..."); cmd = ssh.RunCommand($"dd if=/tmp/{patchedFileName} of=/dev/mtdblock3 && rm /tmp/{patchedFileName}"); if (cmd.ExitStatus != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failure to apply patched image file. Error: {cmd.Error}"); Environment.ExitCode = cmd.ExitStatus; return; } Console.WriteLine("### Applied patch! Please reboot your UFiber device to load the new image."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"### Dry-run completed. The patched file can be found at '{Path.Combine(localDumps, patchedFileName)}'."); } }); return rootCommand.Invoke(args);