# Hacking_RTL9601C1 Hacking V2801F & TWCGPON657 to suite your ISP Fiber # Issue GPON market is a mess, plus explicit OMCI cause ONU Stick did not work With my issue: * V2801F build quality is bad, died from overheating, firmware is good, manage to have an internet connection * TWCGPON657 build quality is good, firmware is bad, when GPON Password is set, stick hang and CPU usage become 100% Since we dont have source code, try mix and match binary between V2801F and TWCGPON657 > Update: > > V2801F firmware can be used on TWCGPON657 stick. However, Stick will keep rebooting due to invalid `VS_AUTH_KEY`, read **Auto Reboot Fix** below # Auto Reboot Fix ## V2801F ### Problem * Invalid `VS_AUTH_KEY` can cause auto reboot * Changing MAC Address `ELAN_MAC_ADDR` can cause invalid `VS_AUTH_KEY` ### Fix * You need to generate new `VS_AUTH_KEY` when change `ELAN_MAC_ADDR` * Apperently, you have few seconds to access Telnet before rebooting, if you can't type fast enough, use this autoit script `quick_telnet-login.au3`. * To prevent auto reboot by entering `echo 3 > /proc/fiber_mode` (XPON Ethernet Mode) ### Note When `echo 3 > /proc/fiber_mode` is set, you lose telnet acccess, you need to unplug fiber to get back ##TWCGPON657 * No such problem, `VS_AUTH_KEY` does not exist. # Usage * Please read [FLASH_GETSET_INFO.md](Docs/FLASH_GETSET_INFO.md) for how to configure, login, etc... * Advance setting like duplicate ONT Info, read [FLASH_GETSET_DEV.md](Docs/FLASH_GETSET_DEV.md) # Modify You need a Linux PC/VM, Ubuntu as Operating System ## Prerequisite You need these program installed: * `tar` (extract tar package) * `squashfs-tools` (extract/repack rootfs) * `qemu-user-static` (run MIPS VM) ## Extract firmware * Extract Firmware package in `tar` format, we need `rootfs` file * Extract `rootfs` partition ``` unsquashfs rootfs ``` ## Repack firmware * Repack `rootfs` ``` mksquashfs squashfs-root rootfs.new -b 131072 -comp lzma ``` * Rename `rootfs` ``` mv rootfs rootfs.old mv rootfs.new rootfs ``` * Update `md5sum` ``` md5sum fwu.sh rootfs uImage fwu_ver > md5.txt ``` * tar current folder ``` tar -cvf ../firmware.tar * ```