# Flash I have been using TWCGPON657 (without fan) for a month and never had an issue, so in this sections, flash V2801F firmware into TWCGPON657 stick and fix auto-reboot issue. ## Steps: * Downgrade your TWCGPON657 to version B13 or below. * Flash with `V2801F_V1.9.0-201104.tar` and wait. * Quickly login and execute `echo 3 > /proc/fiber_mode` to avoid auto-reboot (invalid `VS_AUTH_KEY`) * Disconnect fiber from module to restore telnet * Update `VS_AUTH_KEY` acording to `ELAN_MAC_ADDR` and `HW_HWVER` * Reboot (in telnet) * Reflash again with `V2801F_V1.9.0-201104.tar` (must do after fix `VS_AUTH_KEY`) * Enjoy!