#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Anime4000 Script Function: Quickly login V2801F firmware to fix invalid VS_AUTH_KEY When VS_AUTH_KEY is invalid, V2801F will reboot, you have few seconds to access telnet, this script help you to quickly login and apply some fix Press F9 key to enter admin, Press F10 key to enter password, Press F11 key to block device from reboot, you need plug out fiber to access Press INSERT key to enter "flash set" value Press DELETE key to get "flash get" value Press DEL key to quit #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here HotKeySet("{END}", "ExitProgram") HotKeySet("{F9}", "EnterAdmin") HotKeySet("{F10}", "EnterPassword") HotKeySet("{F11}", "EnterBlockReboot") HotKeySet("{INS}", "EnterCommandSet") HotKeySet("{DEL}", "EnterCommandGet") While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd Func ExitProgram() Exit EndFunc Func EnterAdmin() Send("admin{ENTER}") EndFunc Func EnterPassword() Send("system{ENTER}") EndFunc Func EnterBlockReboot() Send("echo 3 > /proc/fiber_mode{ENTER}") EndFunc Func EnterCommandSet() Send("flash set HW_HWVER RTL960x{ENTER}") Send("flash set VS_AUTH_KEY 30A78E942B5B1E6AFF76007E1F6B6D5C{ENTER}") Send("flash set OMCI_FAKE_OK 1{ENTER}") Send("flash set OMCI_SW_VER1 C00R657V00B15{ENTER}") Send("flash set OMCI_SW_VER2 C00R657V00B15{ENTER}") Send("flash set GPON_SN GPONC6BED5D7{ENTER}") Send("flash set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD 0005816552{ENTER}") Send("flash set ELAN_MAC_ADDR 6cefc6bed5d7{ENTER}") EndFunc Func EnterCommandGet() Send("flash get HW_HWVER{ENTER}") Send("flash get VS_AUTH_KEY{ENTER}") Send("flash get OMCI_FAKE_OK{ENTER}") Send("flash get OMCI_SW_VER1{ENTER}") Send("flash get OMCI_SW_VER2{ENTER}") Send("flash get GPON_SN{ENTER}") Send("flash get GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD{ENTER}") Send("flash get ELAN_MAC_ADDR{ENTER}") EndFunc